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good day on laid barley


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me and my mate dave shot a field that has been heavily laid and birds have been building steadly over the last week,weve shot it a couple of nights for couple hours and had 20-30 birds but today we managed to have day at them ,got set up 10.30 wind in our faces but offset the pattern so birds would come from side on into wind ,set out pattern in wide horseshoe magnet right forward and floater rear it started off very slow as birds were laid up but started to trickle in wind was gusting at 40 mph so the birds were very testing dave pulled off some cracking shots with his sbs full/3/4 choked gun .we lost between 15 -20 birds in a standing barley field behind as the high birds shot although dead in the air were carry well in rear field.we picked 103 birds so a cracking day .had wind not been so strong i think total would ov been well doubled :good:

my mate dave


one of laid patches


view ov hide


lastly me


Edited by remmy1100
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