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First Solo Effort


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Hi All


After getting the pigeon shooting bug following two outings with a friend last year (on a two acre field at the bottom of his garden),I went out yesterday for my first solo venture.

I had read this forum for quite a while and cannot understate the help it has been to me.

The Shooters Warehouse lightweight rotary and hyperflaps performed flawlessley and I moved location when it seemed neccessary.

Anyway, despite the frequent trips to the car (don't mind a bit of rain but not hailstones) I shot for two hours for a grand total of 2.

First shot - 1 dead pigeon :D then 5 misses :angry: before a curios crow got too close. Lost the pigeon in tall wheat but overall a very happy (and soaked) shooter.


Also met another shooter (it's a paid permission - yes I know!) who was extremely friendly and helpfull so I wasn't surprised to find out that he was another PW Member. Nice to meet you Kwagga10


They are cutting the fields this week so will definitely get out again, this time, hopefully, better weather, more birds and a bigger dent in the 125 shells I carried. You never know






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Thanks for all the kind wishes and encouragement.


Yes, you are right TrapFiller, I was very carefull with the gun.


I had intended to warm up with some clays in the morning but my mate had to cancel so I took the 682 Gold E to the field rather than go back home first, for probably it's one and only trip.


I have an AYA s/s and Urika Semi that will be my normal travelling companions


Cheers again



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