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20 gauge non toxic fibre wad cartridge?

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The law in England requires wildfowl to be shot at with non toxic shot.

Our syndicate rules require the use of felt / fibre wads.


Last season I shot our ducks with Gamebore Silver Steel with a Bio Wad, no problems.

A friend of mine has recently joined the syndicate, and on the face of it now faces a dilema.


I contacted Gamebore to enquire if they planned to extend the Bio Wad into 20 bore. Several days later they replied, advising that they had no plans to do so.


As I see it my friend has 4 options:


1. Shoot the ducks with a 12 bore, steel shot with bio wad.

2. Break the law and shoot ducks with lead but comply with the fibre wad requirement.

3. Break the shoot rules, but comply with the law, shoot steel or other non toxic, but with plastic wad.

4. Let me shoot his ducks.


I've trawled through a number of cartridge manufacturers offerings, but can't find a cartridge to do the job properly.

I wondered if any other PW member has faced this dilema, and found a legal solution.



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I had a customer with the same dilemma yesterday. I don't have an answer for this one yet but I am working on it..


It is a bit ironic, use non- effective, sorry, NON-TOXIC, shot then have to pollute the environment with chunks of plastic wadding.


If I find anything I will post it on here.

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Is it possable for some one to lend him a 12B, but take him / her for a round or 2 of clays first to see how they can handle a 12 bore. They can then make a judgement call as to then lend or buy a 12 bore.


Looks like its a no win situation at the moment break the law :( don't even think of it, Break club rules don't think so as some might not tolerate it and the rule could be their for a very good reason live livestock, then get kicked out of the club and might find it hard to join another as word does get around.


Alternatively as Lord Geordie says reload their own, I for one would have to learn how to do this and buy the equipment thats needed.


I would have to say if their budget allows, try the 12 bore first and then buy one if ok with them, at least it will save having the problem again and the having to loan one every time they go out.

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Ive got 6 boxes of Eley 20 bore Bismuth forest for sale, No 4 shot, fibre wad, paper case, long brass etc. Ideal for the ducks.

There advertised on Guntrader in the Amunition section. Pm me for a deal or swop as dont think i will ever use them, infact nearly used them

in the hide on the pigeons, last week!



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