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Ruger 10 22 modifications


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Trigger is usually first port of call followed by action tweaks such as buffers (which make them quieter but i feel may reduce cycling efficiency sometime), cocking levers, extractos etc and them perhaps a new barrel or stock. I have owned three and they are great fun but i always get bored of them and sell in the end as jams at night when rabbiting are just a pain in the ***. I bought one just over a fortnight back, played with it for a few days then sold it as I was reminded of just how much money they need spending on them to even get into the ballpark for trigger use although this one was well worn in and cycled very well but as usual, a dirty mag halted proceedings and require regular cleaning.


Fun Guns


Mine works very well since it got Rogered with a titanium extractor. Not saying it never jams but I can't remember the last time it did.

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Cheapest upgrade has got to be the buffer a few quid on ebay. Over time and if you want you can change just about everything, have a look at the rinfiremagic website it will give you a good idea of prices.


However if it is shooting ok why bother.


Mine was shooting fine but i still changed lots of bits and it does shoot better, but i am a tart like that i just like playing with bits and pieces.

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If you have done the bolt release I would say.


Bolt buffer cheap


Mag release



I also polish the top face of the action where the bolt runs makes it a bit smoother.


Got a couple of these and regretted sell them before fun to play with and good to shoot. Granted less accurate than a CZ but go enough hence I sold the.

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Done the bolt buffer too! Forgot to mention that! Trigger job is probably next, think I will get a pro to do that tho, don't want a dodger trigger!

Was thinkin of floating thebarrel! Does the gun really need the barrel band?



Fitting a Hogue stock will do away with the barrel band. Since fitting one on mine, the barrel is now free floating.

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Been here got the T shirt. Recoil buffers, waste of time and money, no benefit at all. Auto bolt release, excellent idea as is getting the trigger sorted. Get them done professionally though. If the stock is plastic it works ok, not perfect but ok for a bunny basher.


Before you get to far into it shoot it and see how it shoots. I had to re barrel my first one as I was not happy with it.



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