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FAC Application BS


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Applied for my FAC for practical shotgunning mid June.


Been shooting at Harlow club since last november. Passed my probationary period in June, no problems.


Had my FAC interview at end of June. Got a cabinet the day of my interview and fitted it the day after.


Just got told im going to have to wait to do the UKPSA basic safety course before i will be issued a certificate even though i've been shooting at the club for 7 months or so.


Yes i understand i can't shoot UKPSA competitions without the safety course but why can't i practice with my FAC until i do the course and then do competitions?

it seems this again is another bit of the application that is meant to deter people from carrying on the application. It's just ****** me off even more with our pathetic gun laws and rules.


Anyone else find this to be a load of ********?


Why am i going to have to wait until the end of november just to get a certificate saying im safe to shoot even thought i've proved this over my probationary period?


Anyones in put into the matter would be appreciated.



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The only thing you can try is to get help from a shooting organisation such as BASC (if your a member) and they can speak to the police and persuade them to change their mind. Perhaps a letter from the club to the police saying that your competent with the firearm you've applied for would do, but chances are your going to be stuck as you are. Don't get your hopes up of changing it.

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There is no requirement that says you have to be any course in order to get an FAC. The exception is if you are joing a club approved for shooting small-bore rifle, full-bore rifle or M/L pistols. In that case the club has to confirm that you have completed a course in safe gun handling but even that does not have to be any specific course.


There is a practical shotgun shoot run in a quarry near me and few, if any, of the guys who shoot there have done the UKPSA course. I know for a fact that some of them haven't as I know them well and sold them S.1 shotguns for that very purpose.



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I was told the same, but refused to accept the condition. I pointed out that my club runs their own competitions and therefore regulate their own safety. I also pointed out that their is no legal requirement for the course. After the FEO spoke to hiss boss it was confirmed I did not need the course. I am in the Lancashire Constab area.




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I was told the same, but refused to accept the condition. I pointed out that my club runs their own competitions and therefore regulate their own safety. I also pointed out that their is no legal requirement for the course. After the FEO spoke to hiss boss it was confirmed I did not need the course. I am in the Lancashire Constab area.





well, I'm going to be on the phone to my FEO tommorow to point this out. Never actually thought of that :/

Thank you for posting that on here, hopefully they change there minds after i point this out.





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