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Hi all any tips on shooting consistently, i have really got into sporting clays over the last year or so , my scores are what i class as resonable now at most the grounds i go to.


But the last couple of months for some reason my consistancy is letting me down especially my second round on a sunday :angry: , when ive had a good score first round, ive checked my gun mount, stance , etc but cant seam to shake it off . any feedback/**** taking welcome :good:

Edited by fruity
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Good advice already given. I think most of us find if you start paying to much attention to your scores on the shoot it has a detrimental effect, loseing your natural swing, just like golf. Also, as your eyes get tired (even if you dont notice it) your natural eye dominance can shift slightly, this is especially true if your 40+. Have someone check this before your start your second round with your gun mounted.

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What Ed said.. :)


It does also sound like fatigue and loss of concentration/focus though. You shouldn't be thinking about scores, end results. Instead you just keep staring every single bird to death. Easier said than done, but that's where Ed's advice comes in.

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I asked this same question to a very good shot I had a few rounds with. His opinion was that after the first round, when you've shot a reasonable score, you cease to shoot 'what you see' and instead try to replicate the round you shot before, falling into a kind of, 'I shot 9 here last round its so easy I don't have to try' mentality. Loosely, shoot what you see, not shoot what you expect to see I guess.


I've only ever done 2 rounds once, the 2nd round was so poor it knocked my confidence and I vowed never to do 2 again :) My scores have improved a bit since then.

Edited by TbirdX
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If it is only the second round that is causing the problem it could be that in the first round you shot the targets and determined the track, speed, lead and killing point for each trap as you shot them. On the second round your mind may be expecting the targets to have the same characteristics as the first. Some will, but it only takes a change in wind direction and speed to alter the flight pattern. Try to shoot each trap as if it's the first time, Personally I go through a little routine at every trap to keep my concentration up. My friend uses bum, belly beak,bang. that works for him. Mine is a closely guarded secret


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I am with Ed Solomons as well.

There are so many factors involved that the only true answer will come from an experienced and qualified Coach who has studied you in action.

In my experience consistency builds on good foundations and a total view of all aspects of your performance is required.

Could be down to physical or psychological reasons, often a bit of both.

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I am with Ed Solomons as well.

There are so many factors involved that the only true answer will come from an experienced and qualified Coach who has studied you in action.

In my experience consistency builds on good foundations and a total view of all aspects of your performance is required.

Could be down to physical or psychological reasons, often a bit of both.


Im not sure what it is , i went shooting on sunday, Shot the first round well with a good score . Had cuppa and bite to eat before doing my second round with a similar score, but missed alot of the clays what i hit in the first, but hit alot more of the ones what i couldnt hit first off ??? If i could have stayed consistent by continuing to brake the clays what i hit in the first round, aswell as the missed ones i would have scored a high score (if that makes sence) :good:

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