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Royal mail ban!!! Emails needed pls


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Just got this

"The Royal Mail are proposing changes to ban the posting of firearms, air guns and component parts. This will affect all of our customers if these proposals go through and may result in the closure of T W Chambers and many other UK based gun shops as there is no other alternative service to ship your orders.

Please see the Royal Mail link below and respond to it before the 17th Sept 2012. As customers who rely on the Royal Mail to ship your orders to you, then you would be entitled to respond to these proposals. Overseas customers please also respond.

Please email your responses to zoe.allchorn@royalmail.com and cc it also to martin.anderson@royalmail.com


Link to Royal Mail proposals, http://www.royalmail.com/sites/default/files/Proposals_to_prohibit_Firearms_from_postal_services.pdf


Thank You."

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The post office have difficulty delivering my mail to the right address without trying to work out what constitutes a component part for a firearm. They mention banning sending such items as magazines. This item is not a component part under the current act but the post office would like to reclassify it for their purposes. If the law makers allow the law abiding public to possess these without restriction why do the post office see fit to ban their transportation.

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I am suprised -they actually took the time to respond, it will be more important if they actually listen....





Dear xxx


Thank you for taking the time to respond to our consultation. Royal Mail will review all responses before a final decision is made.


Yours sincerely

Zoe Allchorn


Edited by Bloke
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Pro forma outline...

"Dear sir/madam


As a law abiding and enthusiastic sports shooter I feel that I must bring your attention to the absurd proposal made by the Royal Mail that they are going to cease carrying firearms, air rifles and any item relating to them. I feel that the proposals are ill thought out and will be discriminatory to a group that is participating in a perfectly legal sport and one that won us a gold medal in the Olympics.There are many levels that I disagree with the proposals on, these are the main points:-


a) The proposals are exceedingly similar to the 2004 proposals that were flatly rejected by Postcom- http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/binaries/post/1441.pdf'>http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/binaries/post/1441.pdf http://stakeholders....s/post/1441.pdf'>http://stakeholders....s/post/1441.pdf

 Postcomm's decision in 2005






There has only been one major change that could affect Royal Mail since then and support any reintroduction of all but identical proposals and that is the VCR Act of 2006. In a nutshell that act prohibits Registered firearms dealers from selling airguns and a few related parts through the post. It does not prohibit private individuals from doing so. The VCR Act 2006 does not support these proposals in any way shape or form.


b )It is not the Job of Royal Mail to enforce the VCR act. That is the job of the police and similar point was made by Postcomm. Registered firearms dealers are exceedingly well aware of the law and due to the licensing requirements of their trade are amongst the most law abiding members of the public to be found anywhere. There is no registered firearms dealers in the country who disregards the VCR act.


c) The proposals completely ignore the sale of airguns between private individuals. This is totally legal and it is totally legal to use the postal service to move them. I refer you to Postcomm’s decision of 2005 above. The Royal Mail state the proposals effect will be minimal yet obviously haven’t considered them in any detail due to the oversight of private sales. At the moment the Royal Mail is the ONLY service that can be used to move airguns between private individuals. How can removing that service be in any way a minimal disruption? It will cause drastic issues for second hand sales that are perfectly legal.


d) Royal Mail state that “Postcomm did not want to pre-empt the (VCR act)” yet that was not the main thrust of their response. That was a side issue, Postcomm clearly made the following points clear when quashing the Royal Mails request:-


1.Royal Mail has not provided sufficient evidence that carrying firearms in its letter network causes them undue and unavoidable disruption;

2.Royal Mail has not provided sufficient evidence that prohibiting the carriage of firearms in its letters network would contribute to a material reduction in the number of illegal weapons entering and circulating within the UK;

3.Prohibiting the carriage of (legal) firearms in the post would cause unnecessary hardship for many persons and businesses, especially those in rural areas and Northern Ireland.


Not one of these points is any less valid today and I urge to to bring this to the attention of the honourable members and quash this proposal. If it is allowed to go ahead then it will have a serious effect on my ability to go about my lawful sport and it will have a drastic effect on those companies that sell mostly mail order items and private individuals who buy second hand airguns, usually new shooters. People in areas where they have to get items by mail order will also be affected, people cannot afford to spend lots on petrol going to get parts that could be posted via a first class stamp.


This will be a great legacy to shooting following a gold medal at the Olympics, making it far harder for youngsters and new shooters to get into the sport. I also question the motives of Royal Mail introducing this proposal when the house is in recess, cutting off a line of protest. Their contact for registering your objection was also out of office and on holiday.


Yours Sincerely"


Pro forma outline...

"Dear sir/madam


As a law abiding and enthusiastic sports shooter I feel that I must bring your attention to the absurd proposal made by the Royal Mail that they are going to cease carrying firearms, air rifles and any item relating to them. I feel that the proposals are ill thought out and will be discriminatory to a group that is participating in a perfectly legal sport and one that won us a gold medal in the Olympics.There are many levels that I disagree with the proposals on, these are the main points:-


a) The proposals are exceedingly similar to the 2004 proposals that were flatly rejected by Postcom- http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/binaries/post/1441.pdf http://stakeholders....s/post/1441.pdf

 Postcomm's decision in 2005






There has only been one major change that could affect Royal Mail since then and support any reintroduction of all but identical proposals and that is the VCR Act of 2006. In a nutshell that act prohibits Registered firearms dealers from selling airguns and a few related parts through the post. It does not prohibit private individuals from doing so. The VCR Act 2006 does not support these proposals in any way shape or form.


b )It is not the Job of Royal Mail to enforce the VCR act. That is the job of the police and similar point was made by Postcomm. Registered firearms dealers are exceedingly well aware of the law and due to the licensing requirements of their trade are amongst the most law abiding members of the public to be found anywhere. There is no registered firearms dealers in the country who disregards the VCR act.


c) The proposals completely ignore the sale of airguns between private individuals. This is totally legal and it is totally legal to use the postal service to move them. I refer you to Postcomm’s decision of 2005 above. The Royal Mail state the proposals effect will be minimal yet obviously haven’t considered them in any detail due to the oversight of private sales. At the moment the Royal Mail is the ONLY service that can be used to move airguns between private individuals. How can removing that service be in any way a minimal disruption? It will cause drastic issues for second hand sales that are perfectly legal.


d) Royal Mail state that “Postcomm did not want to pre-empt the (VCR act)” yet that was not the main thrust of their response. That was a side issue, Postcomm clearly made the following points clear when quashing the Royal Mails request:-


1.Royal Mail has not provided sufficient evidence that carrying firearms in its letter network causes them undue and unavoidable disruption;

2.Royal Mail has not provided sufficient evidence that prohibiting the carriage of firearms in its letters network would contribute to a material reduction in the number of illegal weapons entering and circulating within the UK;

3.Prohibiting the carriage of (legal) firearms in the post would cause unnecessary hardship for many persons and businesses, especially those in rural areas and Northern Ireland.


Not one of these points is any less valid today and I urge to to bring this to the attention of the honourable members and quash this proposal. If it is allowed to go ahead then it will have a serious effect on my ability to go about my lawful sport and it will have a drastic effect on those companies that sell mostly mail order items and private individuals who buy second hand airguns, usually new shooters. People in areas where they have to get items by mail order will also be affected, people cannot afford to spend lots on petrol going to get parts that could be posted via a first class stamp.


This will be a great legacy to shooting following a gold medal at the Olympics, making it far harder for youngsters and new shooters to get into the sport. I also question the motives of Royal Mail introducing this proposal when the house is in recess, cutting off a line of protest. Their contact for registering your objection was also out of office and on holiday.


Yours Sincerely"

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