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Brian May


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And a quote from poontang's 'Big book of quotes'......"Led Zeppelin were an English rock band who have continually outsold 'The Who'.... who are an English rock band scraping a living by playing charity gigs and sporting events.


Game, set and match :P


:lol: I still win on aggregate over the two legs... Zep were a brilliant band Ive no qualm with that

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Could you explain why we have to move our stock and crops around the countryside, just because you are against killing

diseased Badgers ?.

So you want to plant wheat, vegetables etc, in areas that once had cattle grazing, I'm sure the Badgers would like that, they

would have something to cock their leg against and squirt their contaminated urine over.

So where do you want the cattle to go ?, some remote Scottish island where there are no Badgers !!.


The fact is the Badger is a pest and should never have been put on the protected list

After compulsory Tb testing started in about 1950, Tb was almost eradicated from our herds, then Badgers were given

protection, and they are the main carriers of bovine Tb.


Farmers and country people know that Badgers spreads bovine Tb, they know the cause, and they know the cure.


How many more thousand cattle are going to be slaughtered because the likes of you and Brian May sees the Badger

as a harmless cuddly creature, remember Badgers also die a slow death with Tb.


Your remark was obviously made with no knowledge of farming or the countryside.


One day these bunny huggers will be choking on their imported vegetables from foreign lands that fertilse their crops

with human excrement.


I sympathise with you entirely but that statement is not quite correct, surely cows are the main carriers of Bovine TB....


What came first the chicken or the egg? when Constablewas painting the haywain and domestic cattle were living harmoniously in the countryside riddled with badgers was there any Bovine TB then. Where did it come from. Did the badgers have it all along or did the cows give it to the badgers ?


Not trying to be funny just seriously asking the question.

Edited by Fisherman Mike
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Just for the record I am against killing Badgers if cows get this disease in an area the simple solution is do not put caws there grow stuff on the land and put the caws in another part of the country simple. :good:

You must be joking?!? Considering your solution is in your own words 'simple' then I'm sure you will be able to easily answer a few questions.


"In an area?" Where is the TB-free haven that you propose shipping vast herds of bovine off to? Don't suppose it may be what is currently an important arable area? Perhaps you could also relocate all the farmers land, farm buildings, dairies, milking parlours and all of the arable land that is owned too by countless mixed farms who have to move their livestock. While you are at it maybe you could relocate all of the farmhouses, tied properties and find new schools for the families which have been displaced. Once you have done that you could start discussing winter food supply and distribution as this new TB-free haven is going to be pretty intensive so there won't be much room for forage crops.


Alternatively you could just continue burying your head in the sand (or a TB positive badger set) and coming up with proposals so ridiculous that even an addled has been rock star hasn't suggested them. Either that or tell a farmer who has just been shut down with TB that you have a 'simple' solution for them and see what their response is...




EDIT: If you also have a scientifically sound solution for moving cattle from a farm which has been shut down with TB to an otherwise clean farm on the other side of the country then that would be grand.

Edited by Ferret Master
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Where is the TB-free haven


Teletubbies land - and just about as sensible. A priceless gem - even funnier than Brian May's dodgy hair. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Perhaps we could ask the cows to take a coach to their new home.

Edited by Gordon R
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Queen were fine with Freddie and Paul Rodgers. You could have selected a few hundred guitarists who could have replaced Brian May.


As for his place in guitar lists - they are a joke. They miss out more than they include. I frequently see Keith Richards in there. The same man who was so brilliant that they drafted in Mick Taylor to play the decent bits. The same magazines who insist Slash - Saul Hudson - was born in Stoke - laughable.


storme37 - for someone who belittles others' knowledge of music, you appear to know enough to fill a postage stamp, in inch print.


share your wisdom :lol: in a band ever been in 1? i simply stated that if anyone knows about music then they would have to admit the who were good in there time

Edited by storme37
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I am slightly puzzled - you quote me then ramble on about the Who. I can't see my reference to them, but judging by your posts, you lurch from one point to another, with little thought for logic. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


To set the record straight:-


The Who were brilliant.


Whilst Moon was not technically the best drummer ever, he was like a whirling dervish - superb.


Daltrey - very good voice and has lasted.


Pete Townsend - gifted composer and a better guitarist than May.


Entwistle - bass player extraordinaire. Up there with your Larry Graham, Jack Bruce and James Jamerson.

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it's personal taste you are correct about that whats good and bad depends what you like on a listeners level


Which surely kinda makes it a bit pointless arguing about who're good or not?


You like May, I think he's overrated, you appear to be a fan of The Who, I can't think of a track of theirs I like, Led Zep had some good tracks, AC/DC once again not for me. I do like Nirvana, Metallica, Guns' n' Roses amongst others.


Doesn't follow that either list are good or bad, just tastes.

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The real issue here is why is Brian May let out in public, not the various atributes of members of the Who.


Yes I agree, not every topic about May's fox/badger-hugging has to descend into a 'who was the better axeman' debate, does it?


It does rather detract from the main point, which is that he is a dolt.

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Which surely kinda makes it a bit pointless arguing about who're good or not?


You like May, I think he's overrated, you appear to be a fan of The Who, I can't think of a track of theirs I like, Led Zep had some good tracks, AC/DC once again not for me. I do like Nirvana, Metallica, Guns' n' Roses amongst others.


Doesn't follow that either list are good or bad, just tastes.

im not a queen fan at least not much i just responded originaly to a post suggesting may was not a very good musician


storme37 - perhaps you could add reading properly to your extensive musical knowledge. :lol: :lol: :lol:

iv tried to explain it gordon but alas u cant grasp it :lol: even with instructions lol


Nirvana, Metallica, Guns' n' Roses good choice

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