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shooting at an angle


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Morning chaps and chapesses! Currently, I'm in a tree having a bash at some pigeon decoying. There's a platform up herethe farmer uses for foxing, so i'm shooting down at an angle of about 30 degrees and the birds are coming in at about 20-30 yds. Getting them in is easy, but i'm struggling with the angle and my aim point; any help would be much appreciated!


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i had the same when i first started shooting pigeons from trees ,i would zero my air rifle @45m on flat ground ,and when i would shoot at a pigeon in a tree i was puzzled as why i was missing,well with gravity and trajectory and different POA the old farmer told me when shooting at something in treetops you should pick a leaf or a knot in the tree and rezero your rifle ,but then when back to rabbit shooting then rezero back ,or just use your mill dots

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you definatlely aim low pal,as you look threw the scope it looks like your gona miss but you will hit,just the same as when you aim high as well, this caught me out years ago i shot a fox at the bottom of a hill, i aimed on the foxes chest but got it in the head,the farmer with me thought it was a top shot,but it was,nt were i had aimed, checking the zero next day my gun was still spot on,only months after i found out that you had to aim lower to compensate gravity.ps with a 22.250 that was....

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