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Taking Shotgun away from home


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Hey at the end of this month i will start college again in Cornwall, when at college i tend to do alot of shooting with mates (all above broad, clays, pigeons ect) who leave down in Cornwall so can pop back home and grab there guns when we decide to go shooting


it would be nice for me to take a gun down so i can use my own gun rather than using someones else is. my question is where can i store my gun whilst down there? (please not i wont have a gun down there all the time just on odd weekends)


obv i dont want to take my gun down to Cornwall and when finished using it drive all the way back home to put it back in the safe (its about a 2 - 3 hr drive from home)


i no it is irresponsible to leave the gun in a car over night so dont want to be doing this, what are my other options?


also i leave in a rented house with other people (non who have a SGC)



thx solz


ps sorry for bad wording, spelling and grammar

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Find the nearest gunshop and store it there. They charge about £2-£5 per week so for a day or so it will be very little. They might not even charge you. Just remember to take your sgc. Or store it in one of your mates gun safes. Hope this helps.


thx, if i store it in a gunshop would i be able to go in a take ti out what ever time i wanted to? i imagine if i come back from shooting at 10pm the shop would be close, what would i do then?

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that was my main idea, do i have to inform the police that i have done this?


also what is the laws and putting a gun safe in a rented house?


No need to inform the plod as you can 'loan' a shotgun without transferring it for 72 hours (i think)


I have kept my guns at 2 properties that I used to rent. Both landlords were fine with it, and so was my FEO. Id speak to your landlord and FEO

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ok thx for all the advice.


i know it is irresponsible to leave a gun in a car overnight, but is it actually illegal?


You need to ensure its safety at all times. If you leave it in a car and something happenes you be in trouble. I would say its not safe. Maybe leave a barrel locked in car, take action with you, making both parts useless on their own. Even so I wouldn't do it, I'd not sleep looking out the window at car every 5 mins lol.

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ok, so i could keep the gun in my room if i take measure to make sure it was safe (though not in a actually safe) ????


just seeing what my options are, tbh i think i would put it in my mates safe. how long can i keep it in a friends safe before i have to inform anyone?

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72 hours or if one mate is happy put it at as lent on his SGC and then he can store it for you for as long as you like. I wouldnt abuse the 72 hour rule but it's better in a cab than a car! If your taking home after a few days the 72 hour rule should suffice or use a local RFD and take it out for 48 hours at a time FEO will help

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You will find its 72 hours, you can loan or borrow a shotgun to another SGC holder without notifing the authorities. Another option is if its the same person who will be holding the gun for you, is to put it on both of your certifficates (not sure what the process for this is) worth asking both your FEO's how they would want this done and have a signed letter saying the gun is yours but being kept by the other person (each person to have a copy).

Edited by BerettaSV10
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if you dont know where the law stands with putting guns in a safe place, then you should not have one at all


Bit harsh really.


Better the chap asks than does what he thinks is right, only to find himself in bother with the law.


On that note my advice would be to speak to your FEO and get the information from the horses mouth. Different forces interpret the guidelines in different ways, so probably best to speak to the licensing dept. in Cornwall too.

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When away for a weekend recently : the barrels of my shotgun were kept in the car. The stock was kept in the B&B bedroom, and the fore-end was with me all the time. Only when at the clay ground was the gun assembled.

Regards keeping the gun secure if away for longer periods, you really should be ensuring its safety in a gun cabinet, or by some other means. If in the cabinet of a friend, then that person has access to your shotgun, and if they have access for longer than 72 hours, then it needs to be entered on their ticket as 'lent'. Technically, you could go there every 3 days and remove the gun for a few minutes, resetting the 72 hour timer. However, I think the police would look as that as not acting in the spirit of the law, if anything went wrong. Far easier to enter it onto their certificate.


As an aside, a friend of mine is in the process of doing up an old house. They have nowhere suitable to store their shotgun at present. It is now entered on my ticket as 'lent', as I have access to it. My guns are not on their certificate, as they do not have access. That was absolutely fine with police.

Edited by robbiep
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if you dont know where the law stands with putting guns in a safe place, then you should not have one at all


That's a bit unfair I think. He's wanting to know how to store his gun while away from home, and is asking for advice on this. You don't need to be an expert in firearms law to own a shotgun, no doubt he knows enough for what he needs, and when something comes up he doesn't know about (such as this), he asks a sensible question. Don't shoot him down.


A fool wonders, a wise man asks. I guess I know where you'd stand...


To the OP, just stick it in a mates cabinet, that's the easiest and cheapest way. If it's going to be for a period of time longer than 72 hours, let the firearms department know, if not it's none of their business.

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