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position of Gun Cabinet

Big Marty

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Not sure. What it says on the PSNI site. It is your responsibility to ensure that your firearms and ammunition are stored safely and securely at all times. You must take any necessary steps to prevent unauthorised access, so far as is reasonably possible. A gun cabinet is required - specification BS 7558 (1992) - and it must be secured to the fabric of a building.

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Out of the way of casual visitors as well. I don't know whether you live on a farm, or not, but a friend of mine who is a farmer was asked to move his cabinet because of the number of people he had coming into the farmhouse kitchen past the cabinet. He rents out stables and has a procession of reps,horsey people etc., and the FEO didn't like them being able to see the cabinet.

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Out of the way of casual visitors as well. I don't know whether you live on a farm, or not, but a friend of mine who is a farmer was asked to move his cabinet because of the number of people he had coming into the farmhouse kitchen past the cabinet. He rents out stables and has a procession of reps,horsey people etc., and the FEO didn't like them being able to see the cabinet.


Could he not have got an old upright fridge freezer and put his gun cupboard in that - would have blended in nicely :lol:

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How far is it from the house?


They will insist that the doors and windows are of the same quality and type as a domestic dwelling. Also no exposed eaves internally, there should be a seperate ceiling. FEB might also insist that the out building is separately alarmed.

under the roof of the house no Windows,and door is heavy wooden door that has heavy bar and padlock.Does it need to be accessible from the house ??
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