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beggars belief!! and we wonder why the country is skint!


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i only said you need to earn 50k to take home 34k i made no comment either way about the rights or wrongs of it how does that make me sound like the edl?


Did I say that?




"Tax credits are a subsidy for multi millionaires paid for by ordinary workers. "



That is my opinion can't say i've heard anyone else say it, so how is it hearsay?



Reece - these are hearsay at best:-

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hi somebody said it was like an edl thread i was just saying that was not my intention


Nothing you said led me to believe that you could be anything to do with the EDL.


Clayduster - what you said is not factual. It may well be your opinion, but it has no place in reality. It is nothing but a sweeping generalisation.


You say it is hearsay, that isn't factual.


I like to believe that my opinions are real, they are mine, perhaps you would like to add to the debate and explain why you think it is a sweeping generalisation?


Whilst your in the thinking mode please explain the relationship between fact and opinion, when it was never claimed that my opinion was based on fact.


Please provide reference of factual evidence when replying.


Kind regards



Edited by Clayduster
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I like to believe that my opinions are real, they are mine, perhaps you would like to add to the debate and explain why you think it is a sweeping generalisation?


Whilst your in the thinking mode please explain the relationship between fact and opinion, when it was never claimed that my opinion was based on fact.


Clayduster - your sarcasm is wasted. It does not show your intelligence - quite the opposite. If you really can't see that your statement is a sweeping generalisation, I really can't be bothered trying to educate you.


PS -

- that should be "you're" - something for you to ponder whilst you are in "thinking mode". Bit of free education. :lol: :lol: :lol: Edited by Gordon R
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A lot of so called civilised countries have no state benefit system and it doesn't lead to poverty and starvation. Spain being a good example. Help for the sick and the old comes through the church but other than that everyone knows the score. There is no money so don't ask. The more I think about it the more I like it.



People like the woman in the OP simply wouldn't come here. The chavs on our local council estates would have to work, which many of them have not ever done out of choice. And the 4X4s would have to go on the pill.

Edited by Vince Green
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Vince - I agree. We have a benefits system which is probably as good as any in the World.


That makes it an easy target for those from abroad, who flock to the country to milk it - legally or otherwise. There is also the problem of people, born here, who have little intention of working or those who have children merely for benefit purposes.


It can't be sustained forever.

Edited by Gordon R
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Clayduster - your sarcasm is wasted. It does not show your intelligence - quite the opposite. If you really can't see that your statement is a sweeping generalisation, I really can't be bothered trying to educate you.


PS -

- that should be "you're" - something for you to ponder whilst you are in "thinking mode". Bit of free education. :lol: :lol: :lol:


24 hours and that is all you can come up with? :yahoo:


Gordon R Eienstein :no: :no: :no:

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Vince - I agree. We have a benefits system which is probably as good as any in the World.


That makes it an easy target for those from abroad, who flock to the country to milk it - legally or otherwise. There is also the problem of people, born here, who have little intention of working or those who have children merely for benefit purposes.


It can't be sustained forever.


totally agree some will have to give in the end as we can't carry on with the way things are now! its good that we have such a good welfare system its just a shame it attracts people into being career benefits claimants either people who have lived here all there lives or people who come here to enjoy our benefits system. the assylum seekers rules need sorting out as it cracks me up that people travel through god only knows how many so called safe countries to get to the UK for the benefits from where ever they are escaping from!

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Vince - I agree. We have a benefits system which is probably as good as any in the World.


That makes it an easy target for those from abroad, who flock to the country to milk it - legally or otherwise. There is also the problem of people, born here, who have little intention of working or those who have children merely for benefit purposes.


It can't be sustained forever.


I agree with the need to reform the benefits system.


What we never seem to see published are figures relating to the number of home grown milkers vs the number of Immigrant milkers. Of course it's difficult if not impossible to obtain such figures but surely home grown makes up the vast majority. Nothing seems the stir the emotions like the stories of the immigrant cases though.


What often appears lost in what some might consider petty nationalism, outrage and prejudice is the fact that we need immigrants to support our economy. Before everyone jumps on me, let me give one example, consider the state our university system would be in without foreign students. There would be less choice for UK students as a number of the universities would not be viable and close.

Edited by Raja Clavata
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yeah totally agree i studied a few years ago for my merchant navy officers ticket at Fleetwood nautical college and in my class there was me and an irish lad and 23 indian students the college would for definate not be viable without the forgeign students although it grates on my baranacles that they let non brits hold british officers tickets! if they didnt do that we would still have a thriving merchant navy as most marine insurances insist on brit certificated officers

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