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beggars belief!! and we wonder why the country is skint!


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A mate was selling a car for £2995 and a Somalian family turned up to buy it. The woman handed over a cheque written by the DWP or some other "benefits agency" for £3000. My mate phoned them to see if it was real and they said it was. He asked them why they would buy someone a car and the reply was "It's cheaper than paying for taxis everywhere." :mad: :mad: :mad:


And we wonder why this country is getting so overcrowded.

was told about a similar stroy carnt believe its true systems all wrong :no: :no: :no: Edited by trowel 7
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was told about a similar stroy carnt believe its true systems all wrong :no: :no: :no:


The story as told here is assuredly not true, nor more than all the stories over decades about DWP issuing cheques to buy colour tv's, leather suites, foreign holidays and more were true. Apocryphal at best, deliberate mischief at worst, often reported as "fact" by the likes of the Daily Mail. There are some circumstances where Local Authorities might pay for a car for a family but not because there was a lot of kids nor because they were Somalian and they would not issue a cheque either!!

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ok, how about being held up in TESCO because the eastern europeans couldn`t pay for the food and had to WAIT while DHSS came to PAY the BILL??.

or: When I fell on hard times no money for a week with 4 kids, they sent me £5:00; Never Been out of work Before:or Since:

Misses sent it back saying they must need it more than us, a few years back like:

How can the eastern europeans in the older Generation get a PENSION????.

ANSWER: From MP::: you have it all wrong they DO NOT get a PENSION, it comes out of DHSS:

My Answer: We ALL Pi33 in the Same Pot, RIGHT::: :hmm::mad:

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Is there no end to tall tales and misinformation. :no: :no: :no:


"DHSS" don't visit supermarkets to pay bills. They haven't even been the DHSS for over 20 years - probably nearer 30.


From MP::: you have it all wrong they DO NOT get a PENSION, it comes out of DHSS


It would be nice to see the actual letter - it might stop me laughing.

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ok, how about being held up in TESCO because the eastern europeans couldn`t pay for the food and had to WAIT while DHSS came to PAY the BILL??.


Would be annoying if it ever happened - but it didn't. Tesco wouldn't hold a till in these circumstances and hell would have frozen over before you ever saw anyone from the DHSS, Benefits Agency or more recently DWP going to a supermarket to pay a bill!


or: When I fell on hard times no money for a week with 4 kids, they sent me £5:00; Never Been out of work Before:or Since:

Misses sent it back saying they must need it more than us, a few years back like:


Now that's perfectly believable and the sort of experience many people have including those that are the constant target of such stories as started this thread. It's degrading and maddening when it happens that's for sure.


How can the eastern europeans in the older Generation get a PENSION? ???.


They don't.


ANSWER: From MP::: you have it all wrong they DO NOT get a PENSION, it comes out of DHSS:


Not quite accurate, don't think it's been DHSS for at least 30 years? wouldn't be too surprised if some MP's weren't aware of that though it's pretty sloppy on his / her part.


My Answer: We ALL Pi33 in the Same Pot, RIGHT::: :hmm::mad:


Wrong - in this country there are those who have gold pots and those who have none with all sorts in between.

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Worked with an Italian colleague this week who found it amazing that other EU citizens let alone illegal immigrants could get benefits here. He said in Italy if I moved there as an EU citizen and attempted to claim benefits I would be refused.


Perhaps it's the Government policy in the UK that needs changing?

as much as i hate the idea makes me wonder if we would be better off with just one big european goverment!
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I think it fair to say that we do have the most generous benefits system in the World, which is open to just about everyone, in one form or another.


It is just too easy to make a legitimate claim and almost as easy to defraud the system.


At some point, the Government will have to act - assuming that they genuinely know or care how widespread it is.

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I don't normally partake in such threads. BUT had to input on this one.



Imo i don't give a what's name where the person comes from etc etc. If they are work dodging scum bags they need sorting out and there money stopped. Now i travel all over this great country in my job and deal with every race of person as part of it. And i can with out a shadow of a doubt say that 80% of the people i find to be the hardest working, most helpful, most polite people are NOT English. Example i pull into a site 10mins into lunch break. Approach group of workers having there grub, politely inform them.i have a delivery and where would they like it, 9 times out of ten all i get from the English people is the standard point the watch and come.back in 20mins mate bla bla bla. Then low and behold someone will jump up and i have to say normally an eastern European and go out of there way.to get me sorted out. They have a different work ethic to us.


So i guess my point is balls its not just immigrants.


Yes there are some that come here and take the Michael i agree but we are just as bad. How many chavy scum bags with 9 little asbo kids do.we see sat about all day never having worked a day in there life? ???






Sorry rant over. peace and love my brothers peace and love.

I'm with you mate you've hit the nail right on the head. One of the other things to remember is that when times are hard the powers that be look for scapegoats and manipulate the media to come up with stories that whip up hysteria amongst the the less intelligent members of the population to deflect attention away from their own failures I think a Mr A Hitler used similar tactics in the 1930's and 1940's some of the comments I've seen posted on hear make me wonder how many members have little moustaches and a pair of jack boots in the cupboard.

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