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ess puppy questions


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Hi all i have a couple of questions about my new ess pup he's 10 weeks old - we,ve had him for two weeks now and ive gotta say he's definatley my new best friend :o - cant understand why i waited so long tbh. Anyway, i digress, i was wondering:


hes nearly ok to go out walking after his jabs, what sort of distance/time do you take yours out for; i know its important not to over-excercise puppys.


im gonna start to crate train him - what sort of age should i start this


he seems to like biting! mostly my hands and trouser legs (lil bogger :lol: ) - this i gather is relatively normal, but do you have any suggestions as to how to calm it down abit, other than distracting him with toys! which isnt practical sometimes!!!!!


these question are more for my piece of mind tbh


thanks in advance,




ps ill post some pics soon cos he's a cracker! :lol::lol::D:good:

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Hi Cleaner4hire,


Getting an ESS is the best decision you have made for a while. He will be your best friend for life. Don't walk him too far initially, probably a few hundred yards and on soft ground, grass or sand is ideal.


If you are going to crate train him start straightaway. I didn't do this, we let him have the run of the kitchen and hall, and had a stair gate on the bottom of the stairs.


I kept some newspaper down in the kitchen overnight for him to use as a toilet but during the day if I saw him circling or sniffing around I would pick him up and take him outside.


Get him a kong and several other chew toys, and distract him with them everytime he goes to bite. Tell him no and give him a toy.


I did this with Merlin and he never chewed anything he shouldn't have.


With regards to training don't do anything with him for 6 months, just be his mate and bond with him.


And get those pictures posted.

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Hi all i have a couple of questions about my new ess pup he's 10 weeks old - we,ve had him for two weeks now and ive gotta say he's definatley my new best friend :lol: - cant understand why i waited so long tbh. Anyway, i digress, i was wondering:


hes nearly ok to go out walking after his jabs, what sort of distance/time do you take yours out for; i know its important not to over-excercise puppys.


im gonna start to crate train him - what sort of age should i start this


he seems to like biting! mostly my hands and trouser legs (lil bogger :good: ) - this i gather is relatively normal, but do you have any suggestions as to how to calm it down abit, other than distracting him with toys! which isnt practical sometimes!!!!!


these question are more for my piece of mind tbh


thanks in advance,





When our's was ok to take after his jab we walked him for about 1/4 mile if he tires we carry him but this is not often.


We crated are ess at nine weeks no problems only for about a week he would wake us about 2 or 3 a night for the loo but he is now 13wks goes in his crete about 10pm will sleep alnight, until i have to get up about 6.30am let him out for the loo has breakfast back in crate for about an hour to sleep food off then he is out.


When in his crate we find the best thing is to ignore him when we come down in the morning and make no fuss when letting him out and this seems to work for us.


He never makes a mess in the crate but he had the run's a few days ago he woke us 3 times that night to go out but make no mess in his crate.


He has taken to th crate very well.


As for the biting we ignore it i know it was hard to do at first but we always have a toy to hand, he's 13wks

and has improved.


Iam no expert but hope my experiances help


Afew photo's my ess Ronny







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Don't be walking that pup at all yet mate, I looked into this in some detail when we got ours earlier in the year and you should just let them play in the garden while this young. Apparently the bones and muscles don't develop properly if you over exercise them when still so young which can lead to serious problems in later life.


It is very tempting and the little blighters will run themselves into the ground if you let them.


Ours doesn't bite anything around the house, she's always had plenty of soft toys but never even trys to destroy them either. They don't recommend squeaky toys for working dogs as it encourages the dog to chaw on whatever it later picks up in the field. That said ours has a few of them and is still very soft mouthed; she regularly picks up tomatoes that have fallen from the plants in the garden and brings them in without a mark on the skins.


You'll do a lot worse than spending a few quid on some training books or even general books on Springers at this stage. Videos/DVD's are also very handy.


By far the best option is to ask NTTF, he's been a great provider of help and advice to people on this forum.


NOBS have another interesting forum which is a bit more dog specific.

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Don't worry too much, this time next year the dog will be walking miles each day. Just back from a walk with ours and we are knackered !!! Very humid here today after a bit of overnight rain. Did some w*rk yesterday so think I'll take the uvver arf out on the bike for a bit of a spin, haven't told het yet but it's time for a bit of two up wheelie practice :yes::lol::lol:

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I agree with most said. Keep his exercise to the back yard for now and do not let him run the stairs, or slide around on the floors.


Keep his fetching as play time right now, perferably in a closed hallway so that he learns to come straight back to you.


Start his crate training now, and dont give in to the wailing. A teddy bear, old jumper, and wind up alam clock work wonders. Also be sure that his crate area is not to large for him.


I would also suggest that you start his basic obedience now, sits, downs, stay, wait, recall, and heeling. Keep the sessions short and fun. There is no sence in letting him develope 6 months of bad habits to untrain.


As to the biting give him a quick sharp rap under the jaw and a sharp NO BITE, also see the thread in the dog section on dominance training...cant remember the name of it right now.





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On reading mu post again, I agree it didn't come accross properly. When I said don't do any training for 6 months I meant formal gundog training.


Basic obedience should be started soon.


This is what I was advised when I got Merlin, and it worked for me.

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