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Which gun

Yorkshire Pudding

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I'm looking for an air rifle . The last time i owned one was 16 years ago , i ended up selling it to pay for some road tax on my car . The rifle in question was a Titan jb1 , luckly enough one of the fella's that owned titan air arms lived in our village ... blah blah blah ..

So gents heres the spec i'm looking for :-






Which gun do i choose :lol:???


all the best yis yp :yes:

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how much you looking to spend?


as for the titan JB1 that would be the fore runner of falcon rifles, and the JB would be John bowket (deseinger of the BSA S10 and possibly the hornet) could onyl guess at the 1 being the first model he did for titan rifles.


If you want something similar with a proven track record falcon rifles can still be bough today, design hasnt changed too much and they come in multi shot or single shot.


But i would advise you to find out where your local club is and pop along to try as many rifles as posisbel before yo0u part with any money, rifles have improved slightl;y since your last PCP rifle, some for the better, but some for the worse.


The onyl rifles i wouldnt touch are anything by logun or anything by gunpower, they are the only two companies i wouldnt touch.


hope this helps you out a bibt


ROB :yes:

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Daystate Harrier X2.


Get the ambi stock.


Send off to daystate for the left hande bolt................dont forget the left handed mechanism that you need to change in the cocking mechanism.


Easy to fit...........or be fitted if your not that confident.


Job done.


Keep the parts............and job done...........you can sell it as either............

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Thanks for all the info , fella's . I've not made my mind up yet , as i have to go an try a "few" guns , but i am leaning heavily towards the Daystate rifles as they are looking after us lefty's streight off the bat .

I'll bob to my local air weapon dealer when i next have a day off to , test a few .


Cheers once again fella's


all the best yis yp :yes:

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Thanks for all the info , fella's . I've not made my mind up yet , as i have to go an try a "few" guns , but i am leaning heavily towards the Daystate rifles as they are looking after us lefty's streight off the bat


have to say that acording to BAR web site a left hand S410/400 is only £15 extra. not that i find the daystate ambi stocks uncomfortable.


try as many rifles as possible and let us know what you think f the ones you do get to try, nothing beats an honest opinion of a new shooter :yes:


ROB :lol:

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snakebite, i have very little sense of depth when i look at things and have to guess distance, this really did effect my shooting at first but i reckon i have adjusted pretty well now and i am an average shot (shotgun) which i reckon is pretty good for a one eyed tw~t.


plinker (magoo)

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