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muzzle velocity of rws cartridges

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'Velocity' is a vector. Speed would be the correct word to use unless you specified the DIRECTION of travel (i.e. West).


SPEED is DISTANCE divided by TIME, and distance is the difference between two points.


Therefore, at the moment the payload leaves the muzzle, 'DISTANCE' = ZERO, and TIME = ZERO. Hence there is no TRUE muzzle velocity.


However, using BARREL TIME*, (the TIME it takes the payload to travel the LENGTH of the barrel) AFTER the striker touches the primer cap of the shell, and the length of the barrel, an IDEA of MEAN muzzle speed can be calculated over a series of shots.




* even barrel time varies considerably from shot to shot because of numerous factors like friction, heat, primer brisance, varying propellant and shot weights. A very slight difference in any one or several in this list will affect pressure, momentum, speed, barrel time, even if the shells have been 'clinically' loaded with accurate scales and constant closure force.


So, really, to quote a definite M.V. would be misleading but some manufacturers do give an idea....others won't commit themselves.

Edited by Floating Chamber
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but why do you want to know the MV?


It tells you virtually nothing about the cartridges performance.


because there is an obsession by many buyers with "faster is better" many quality cartridge manufacturers dont quote anything - they rely on the reputation of the cartridge having a good PATTERN.


Its pattern that counts, not MV - and in most cases better patterns come from SLOWER cartridges.


A quality 1300fps MV cartridge will probably have 80% of the pellets in the effective pattern, while a cheaper 1450fps might blow 50% of the pellets wide as ineffective flyers outside the ideal pattern spread.

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I will say this rws, namely the ( rottweil special 36) is a fantastic cartridge. More nockdown power than anything else iv shot. Iv put a post up in cartridge section. Im well impressed! Hence the reason i wanted to know more about it. Thanks fir all posts. And i do most definately agree with wymberley!!!

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