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First Lesson

Iced Tiger

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Well it's finally come around, my first lesson on the clays tomorrow. It will be also the first time out with the 525 :yahoo: . Weather looks to be clearing up, hope I can hit a few. All the gear and no idea springs to mind at the moment, just finished sewing the badges on my vest :good: . Having a go at 50 sporting, hope I can hit at least a quarter of them. Wyre Gun Club is just down the road from me and will hopefully be my practice ground for the near future.

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I had my first lesson the other week. I was really nervous to begin with.


Out of shear fluke I hit the first clay. You will love it as mentioned above just relax and have fun.



Yep its a good feeling, as neil says relax and enjoy yourself a good coach / instructor will make you feel at ease and guide you throgh every thing. Even better is when you go out and what you just been taught clicks into place.

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Thanks for the replies, had a great time :good: . Even managed to hit a few, it went so fast, did not think to count the clays I hit :blink: . I think a lot of practice is in order then a further few lessons to try and iron out the glitches. Many thanks to Tom Rowlandson for his patience. Will be having a go at all the local clubs to get my eye in as they say and have a look at the facilities. Thanks Gordon for the heads up on Toplands and Bobbin Mill :good: , I think I will also have a go at Blackpool as well.

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We had our second lesson yesterday with Tom too!. Did another 50 each.

Really enjoyed it and we hit more than our first lesson so thats good. I loved the tower,managed to hit most of them on that one.

The wife is really enjoying it,so much so that she ordered a musto shooting jacket last night lol.


We have no gear and no idea but we are learning. :-)

Just waiting for Lancs police to grant us a sgc each!

Two weeks wait feels like two months :-(





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Hi Neil

Fingers crossed we only have to wait a few more weeks for the sgc.


Have you booked in for a few more lessons with Tom? We will be back in two weeks for another one,hopefully getting better each time.


will probably see you around there sometime,if you see a husband and wife missing a lot come and say hi lol.






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