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Good Days and Bad Days

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Has anyone worked out why we get days when we can hardly miss and then other days when we wonder if there's any bloody shot in the cartridges.


I went out yesterday with the Urika and was absolute mustard on the pigeons, barely missing a thing even though they were challenging shots in a strong wind.


Today I took the moderated o/u that I usually shoot well and struggled to get 1 in 3, I'm usually better than 1 in 2.


I can't see what changes from day to day to make that much difference.


Any ideas :hmm:

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Personally think it's to do with timing, different guns need different tempo. I can usually shoot most guns well enough but it takes me a few shots to get there especially if going from clays to game or vice versa.


I agree with the tempo thing but sometimes you can virtually have the bird sitting on your barrel and still miss, so frustrating. The good days show what the gun is capable of.

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When someone works out the answer to this one please let me know as it happens to me all to often. Just like most others I have good days and bad days.

Take for instance our club clay shoots. I won our club competition the other month with 40 and a half points out of 50 (On our points scoring systen the half points come about through using a second barrel on single birds, in actual fact I hit something like 43 out of 50) yet last month I couldn't hit them for love or money, only hitting 13 out of 25.

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During the game season I excusively use my o/u,and do very well with it(it is the only gun I own with 'cast')but as I enjoy guns too much to be a 'one gun' man,as soon as the season ends I put it away and use my pumps and autos(all of which are straight stocked)and shoot just as well with them.

But before going out with either,I spend a few minutes dry-mounting the particular gun I'm using,in front of a mirror,just to build up a bit of muscle memory.Must admit when swapping from my o/u to the auto/pump or vice versa,at the end/start of season,I can miss the odd target I would usually expect to hit,but after a day or two everything's back on track.Still doesn't mean I hit everything though,where would the joy be in that?Just enjoy yourself,but try the mirror thingy,it seems to work for me.

What can be difficuilt is great weight differences of guns,as someone suggested.All my guns are heavy with the exception of my 20 bore pump,which I have to make a concerted effort to whip through faster in order to not stop swinging,if that makes sense.

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