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F.A.O David BASC


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Hi David,


I received an e-mail from BASC a couple of days ago entitled 'Top tips for a safe shooting season'... A riveting read it was too!!


However, it got me to thinking. Could BASC do a similar mailing to the membership with a link to the WHSmith's petition? Perhaps even have a word with your chums at the Countryside Alliance and CPSA and get them to do the same?


I know it's only an online petition but if all BASC/CA/CPSA members were to sign it, it could beat Brian May's badger petition hands down...now that would set a cat amongst the pigeons.


What do you reckon?


BASC membership c135,000

CA membership c110,000

CPSA membership c25,000


Come on, you know you want to stick one to those pesky vegans.....

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Thankyou for your enthusiasm, it is a very good suggestion! i will email back to BASC when they reply probably tomorrow morning i would imagine, and ask, i also have one or two other proposals.


Unfortunalely the petition website is down at the moment, maybee we have flooded the server! and as such noone can access it which it awefull!



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Good idea, and it has my support. Come on BASC!


And could BASC not send it's WHSmith press release to some national newspapers? Along with the shortened link to the petition:



By the way, the petition is temporarily inaccessible because of problems with the server, but there is nothing wrong with the link or the petition.

Edited by Reece
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But in the interim, please keep e-mailing the head contacts at WH Smith.


If you have just had a 'standard' reply, then get back to them telling them that’s not good enough, we want a real answer and we want them to tell us what they are going to do and by when- keep the pressure up!



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We have already spoken to the national media and indeed have been quoted.


Yes an action alert in on the cards - being discussed today.


Glad you liked the top tips on safe shooting!




So you've spoken to the national media? Good news, but do you have any idea how long it will be before anything is printed in the major newspapers?


We do need to keep up the pressure on WHSmith's, you're right.

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There have been comments from BASC in the Telegraph for example when they covered the story, and indeed the shooting press but to be honest as far as the papers are concerned it’s now old news.


There has , to the best of my knowledge, been no comment or conformation from WH Smith that they are going to change / drop this policy, just loads of standard replies, which is not good enough frankly.


We must all keep the pressure on to protect our sport and we must make sure our voice is heard, so if you have not e-mailed them yet please do, and if you have then please encourage any and all shooters you know to e-mail them too.




PS Thunderbird - It went to all members that we have an e-mail adress for; PM me your e-amil address, I wll icheck your reccord.



Edited by David BASC
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