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Some FAC Questions


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Just filling out my FAC form and in Part B section 19 I am applying for the following:


.22LR for rabbits

Semi Auto shotgun (8 shot for pigeons)

Pump Action Shotgun (8 shot for pigeons)


What would be best to put down for dealing with foxes ?


In terms silencer, scope etc do I need to list all this on on form as well?


Where it asks 'where do you intend to use it' I take it I just provide the full farm address.


As the land I'm shooting in is in Cornwall and I live in Kent will the police require me to have a rifle cabinet installed in Cornwall (at my parents) or would they accept that I can store it at my neighbours who already has a FAC?


Sorry for all the newby questions but I don't want to fill something stupid on the forms!


Also is it worth applying for a FAC air rifle as one of the fields i'll be shooting on is near the farm house and I'm sure the farmer would prefer I used a airgun there.



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In my opinion


.22LR + moderator for vermin (Is just as quiet as airgun with subsonics)

.223 + moderator for foxes

FAC shotgun for pigeon (playing devil's advocate, why do you need a pump and a semi when you'll have to provide good reason to have both)


If you have a cabinet then you won't need another one in Cornwall unless you'll be staying for a while where it would probably be best to have one at you parents. If you store at your neighbours he'll need to have them on his FAC.

Edited by Livefast123
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I doubt you'd get 2 Section 1 shotguns just for pest control, especially on an initial grant. Semi's are less frowned upon for game shooting, which is the normal reason for people choosing them over a pump, however S1 shotguns cannot be used for game shooting so that doesn't come into the decision really.


The police generally say that fox guns are a centre-fire .22 calibres (e.g. .223, .22-250 etc) If you're going the land route, you'd be well advised to see what calibres (if any) the land has been cleared for before you put any rifles on your application.


'Silencers' or sound moderators as they're referred to by the police are classed as firearms in their own right and need to be added onto your application form. Scopes, bipods etc do not.


If you can justify an FAC air rifle aswell as the .22lr for pest shooting you might aswell put it down too.


Get a Benelli M2 / M3 - then you've got both. :)


M3's are pump and semi, M2's are semi only

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I would advise you to speak to your FEO, as I have found my force a little cautious round S1 SG's. possibly because they may be giving you authority to purchase an SG with an unspecified capacity. I would doubt you would get two of the same gauge on an initial grant... but only your FEO can answer this.....


You might also find the storage requirements for S1 SG's more stringent - again, ask your FEO!


Regarding which S1 SG... have a look at the Mossbergs ! shameless plug, but I have found them pretty good, and excellent for the money!


Good Luck.

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