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Been struggeling a while with rats, see them whenever i dont have my gun on me, see them at bizarre times, never see them when i want to shoot them. Been poisoning for years, however never managed to bait and lamp any out as the rate just dont ever seem interested however in the last half an hour ive had three come to my new experiment. Penut butter + golden syrup, plus sunflower oil, microwaved up to warm/tepid temperature and mixed and allow to cool a little, poor on the ground ( looks like syrupy sick smells like off peanuts ) near a good rat run... Just been putting the lamp on every ten minutes and have had three average sized rats in thirty minutes so im happy!

Recipie is half a jar of peanut butter, two table spoons of golden syrup, and the rest filled with sunflower seed oil. Very runny, avergely smelly, seems to work!

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why not place the gear...or tin of tuna in a large empty crips packet......then when you hear the bag rustling....flick on the lamp and wallop.....Generally rats are neophobic and have a fear of new things...also the guard hairs on their body with which they navigate so placing baits / rodenticides and traps close to walls or solid surface is more preferable to open areas ;-)

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