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Glasses steaming up....

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I use this method on my crash helmet visor, so should work with specs: Rub a little washing up liquid onto the lens with your finger and let it dry. Then buff it off with a soft cloth. Stops steaming up for a few weeks, then when the steaming returns, repeat.

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Thanks Guys all good ideas except Jolly's!!!! ;-)

I'll give the Anti-Fogging/Washing Up Liquid ideas a go first before going down the Contact Lens route. Although to be fair, I imagine they would probably be the best solution long term.


I appreciate all your help,


Thanks guys,



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and stop masturbating :),,,,,,,,,, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: bet jolly uses the washing up liquid on his ***** :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


before i get banned again the ***** was meant to say hands but just thought i would leave it to everyones imagination :hmm:


daffy on a serious note mate i use lenses,,like havin new eyes :good:

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Just before everyone starts using fairy liquid on their gleeks, here is something u should know!

There is evidence linking unrinsed dishes with testicular cancer, so I wouldnt be rubbin it to mine!


That's just an old wive's tale invented by men to avoid doing the washing up. At least it is in my house. :lol:

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