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land cleared for .243


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If your fac is closed it means only the land stated on your licence is where you can shoot isn't it. Or does it state you can shoot only your 243 on land cleared for deer if so I would check with the police as any mistake will only come back to you for not checking.

Hope it goes well and you have a great stalk



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If the land is cleared by your police force for 243 there shouldn't be any issue, I would just let the force know out of courtesy. If it is not within your force area check with FEO as it may still b in their system. if it has been passed by any force it should be fine to shoot over.

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If the land is cleared by your police force for 243 there shouldn't be any issue, I would just let the force know out of courtesy. If it is not within your force area check with FEO as it may still b in their system. if it has been passed by any force it should be fine to shoot over.

+1 and to add



In these cases you really should refer to your firearms department, we can only offer advice.

Before I had my ticket opened up I shot with a friend who had a 22.250 on an open ticket, one farm was cleared for .243 so I got permission from the farm manager to shoot on that land because I had land deemed

suitable by the chief officer of police for the area

where the land is situated and over which the

holder has lawful authority to shoot.

With a deer and fox on my licence

Just ask them and you will have your answer





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If your certificate has wording to the effect of:


deemed suitable by the chief officer of police for the area where the land is situated and over which the holder has lawful authority to shoot


then you can shoot on it. There are some certificates which name a particular piece of land or farm, but these aren't that common.


Don't let the police know as a 'courtesy' thing, your perfectly entitled to shoot on any cleared land if your certificate says so. There is nothing to be gained from telling them, and the next thing we'll know it'll be expected of us.

Edited by bedwards1966
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Yes bedwards thats the wording on my cert. I've been informed by the guide that the estate is clear up to .308


If that is the wording on your FAC and you accept the word of the estate that it is cleared then you're ok.


Checking with the Police in the area will confirm this just the same if you have any doubts, if paid stalks take place there is no reason to disbelieve them, but you can bet your last penny if the **** hit the fan and it turned out the land wasn't cleared then the Estate would forget ever having told you!


It's all a load of dogs doings anyway, it would be perfectly legal for you to go out using an estate rifle with your guide anyway, even if you didn't have a FAC at all.

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