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A great day with a bonus


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Fenny and me decided to have a mixed day across our permissions today , we started of bright and early at mine to try for a pinkfoot or two , unfortunately the only ones we saw dropped on the other end of the field perhaps 15-20 of them , so as we had other plans we packed in and walked back to my house for a brew before heading else where for a pheasant .

Typically while standing in my kitchen we witnessed several skeins of pinks dropping into the field we had vacated 10 mins before !!!

So we headed off to walk a couple of cover strips the first is a little awkward as there are houses nearby so we needed to be selective with our shots , there were several birds flushed that we could not have a go at but near the end of the cover a hen bird made the mistake of heading in the wrong direction and fenny made no mistake with his shot.

Fenny then walked down a bigger maize strip with be acting as a standing gun at the far end , again several birds flushed without being close enough for a shot , fenny eventually put up another hen which offered a easy shot which he promptly missed :yes: .

Next it was my turn as a good cock bird he flushed came rocketing by me offering a nice shot , unfortunately fennys poor shooting had rubbed off on me and I missed with both shots :lookaround:.

However as he neared the end of the strip again he put up a nice cock which I managed to nail as it came overhead .

This bird although shot over our farm landed over the road on someone else's I was just about to walk over to pick it when a discovery came along the road and stopped , we both though here we go we are going to get a mouthful from the other land owner :no: ---------but no he wound his window down and said if you want some pigeon shooting you can shoot on mine :good: so we picked up some more very nice looking fields with about 100 acres of rape , seems we have land falling in our laps lately.

So with a brace in the bag we headed off to a overgrown grass field which always holds a few birds ------------ but before we got there eagle eyed fenboy spotted a couple a mallard down a drain , we walked down the field and across to the drain and had one each as they flushed .

Onto the grass field and we flushed several birds getting two more hens and a cock and none missed.

Then on to another farm for some pigeon, we saw about 3000 on some rape and shot none !.

Never mind we would try for some flighting into a wood ,but hardly any , we did manage a squirrel each though.

It was now getting late and time for a duck flight , not too many showed but we managed another two mallard and a gadwall.

We finished a great day by bagging a couple of rabbits with the rifle while driving off the farm.

A excellent mixed day in good company .

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