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Floating island

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Normally I feed the shallows but the water levels on this pond rise up and down pretty quickly with water from surrounding hills filling it up with any downpour, making some food lost in the depths just wondered if a floating island would keep a ready supply of food. Are there any food stuffs that float for feeding dukes ?

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get a pallet,fill the middle gap between the slats(the top and bottom where the forks slide in) with cavity insulation,,now nail 100x25 rough sawn rounds the open ends to keep the insulation in place,,now ply the top and put 50x25 lathe round the outside of this to keep the food on and attach to either fixed post in pond or with pulling ropes job done and the ducks will love them....ideally feed with rotten spuds great for ponds where you cannot get to feed them every day this method keeps them fed....use this on 2 ponds IT WORKS.....

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We use a old pallet collect thrown away styrofoam (you can use the white stuff or the green and red one for floor insulations) slide it from the side under the pallet close the sides with some planks.

On the upper surface we close the gaps also with planks or thrown away texture coated boards from concrete construction companies, nail a small rim around the edge so the ducks won't throw most of the weed in the water.

Because of rain etc. you better should have also small holes in the rim or the upper surface the allow the water to drain. Otherwise rain will flush away your weed/corn …

When you have neighbors who feed with corn or weed us peas and oaks. ducks love them very much and will stay at your place ;-)

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