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Most rats


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I had my first rat shooting experience on Wednesday night whilst out on one of the farms I have permission to control rabbits over. The farm has lots of open outbuildings and the farmer had mentioned seeing rats in with the calves so asked if I could take a look. Now I wasn't fully prepared for it (only had the lamp as it was evening) which was obviously too bright for the little critters because the instant it was flicked on as I swept through each barn the rats hightailed it into little holes in the wall.


I'll be going back again soon to give them a proper go, but I did manage to drop one.


Poor result, I know, but one dead rat is better than no dead rats.

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Good shooting Hawkeye, that must have been a great nights sport. :good:


Marc M - I've only been doing it for a couple of months, but if it's any help here is what I do.


I go around the buildings about 1/2 hour before it gets dark, looking for any obvious activity, new scratchings or fresh droppings etc., then I bait the best shooting points, taking into account where the activity is and where farm machinery is (so I can use them as a rest), if out in the open I sit on a stool and rest on a thumb stick.


I used to have a friend to operate a 6v red filtered hand lamp while I shot, but after buying a scope mounted lamp with a dimmer switch found it easier, keep the dimmer on as low as possible and once the rat is spotted slowly increase until you have enough light to shoot, the low light increased doesn't spook them as much as a full blast straight off.


Another tip I would give is don't shoot them in their holes, wait for them to come out, even if only inches, if you block the holes you stop any more coming out.


I pick them up with a litter picker thingy.


Oh and finally watch the time, I intended to leave on one occasion about 11-30 pm, I don't know if I dosed off or was engrossed, but I didn't leave until 1-25 pm.

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  • 2 months later...
Me and a friend shot close to a hundred in 4 sessions in and around a big grain dryer. It was incredible sport and often emptied 10 round mags in almost as many seconds. Rats seem to get very bold when theres loads of them.





:angry::no: :( ;):lol::lol:


Hi all just bought a NV SCOPE especially for RATS. My first hunting foray where my son-inlaw is milking manager, and has a rat problem. In the past I have had them at dawn and dusk so I was expecting to bag a few.

What a wash out not one to be seen. Anyhow we went to a farm near home and had a BLAST,without counting it was almost one shot per minute,they were everywhere,must have had about 60/70,

The farmer told me he is going to clear away a lot of scrap metal ajasent to the cowshed where there are RAT run in abundance.

So watch this space :):):):):):)

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  • 3 weeks later...

:P:P :yes :P:P:lol: :o :o :D


Well-after only 3 trips to this farm barn we have managed to shoot

about 100 rats ,

the first trip i run out of pellets,

The second trip we hit about 50,

the third trip we hit about 30 and they were getting a bit edgy ,

this NV scope is WICKED for ratting . We will pay another visit after Christmas.

The scope is attached to a stealth .22 and is devastating








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Hello, ive lost count on the numbers of rats ive shoot over the last year, where my shoot is theres a few around because of the hugh straw and veg dump the farm have some nights its been 20-30 on others in the summer 100-150, depends what the ground is like were you are mate, rats like a good food supply

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