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pete k

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Agreed to the above :D


Dont let all this scare tactics get to you. Enjoy your lives, help others enjoy theres, dont let some silly internet geeks try and scare you. The world really aint that bad yet :D






ound in small print at the bottom of the page:




''Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Centre for Research on Globalization.''

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We all know syria is next, then north korea, even if they do stop testing nukes.


Problem is, there aint **** anyone can do about it. America has to be in a permanent sate of aggression, forms a very large part of the economy. They make all the weapons, sell them to people then blow them up. They have been doing this for years and I can't see them stopping now.


I agree with the above, enjoy yourself and don't worry about it. That said things really are that bad in this world, right now. For example, try to imagine what its like living in :-


Afghanistan, Iraq, Berut, anywhere near Israel, Croatia, Chechnia, most places in Africa etc


We live sheltered and relatively safe lives here, its not like that for most of the rest of the world.

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I don't think people were mocking it, just trying to make light of a very dark situation.


Its well known the Bin-laden family were very good friends of the Bush family, this is not just some random bloke being a nutter, its a massive horribly complicated web of deceit revolving around power and corruption due to that power.

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As digger said, if you want to find proof of anything you like, no matter how outlandish, you will find it on the Internet.

The conspiracy theory sites are the worst.


All this so called, shock, horror, inside information thats available, yet little of it finds its way into the mainstream media........why ?

Oh, I forgot, thats another whole different conspiracy.


If you want to believe it, thats your perogative.

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the second link,boring as it is,is even more mockable.fifty years ago things happened but we didnt have saddos tapping away on keyboards looking for reasons that really werent there.

all this **** started with diana and has grown out of all proportion.

but if being a pessimist floats your boat go for it,somehow i get the feeling you love mondays and hate fridays. :D

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loose change is not a conspiracy website , watch the loosechange 2nd edition film , try debunking the evidence that is out there and if succesfull let me know , i know i sound crazy but all i ask is to read and watch and make up your own minds .



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I believe it to be fanciful, highly imaginative and an example that you can put spin and any interpretation you like on events, to suit your particular view.


My comments are not meant disrespectfully, there are many things I don't believe, that others do pasionately.

Thats their right, as it is mine.

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I dislike conspiracy, it makes it seem to me like all those lifes were lost for nothing at all. Which they were, but if we cant learn from it and blame these things on something else, we will never learn to accept the reality and deal with it.


If that makes sense :D

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