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Bad roast Mallard!


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Decided to roast a mallard a friend gave me last night, and oh my god did it smell bad! It was like a swamp water smell. We did eat it although it was not the best so the dogs had a good meal!


Has this happen to anybody else, is it normal for wild birds?







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How long had your friend hung it ? I`ve only once had that smell in god knows how many years shooting. It sounds , or smells like, it`s` gone over.The`re should be no smell, other than what you would smell on a duck from a supermarket. It was early in my shooting careerer that we encountered that smell. I had left some duck , shot in September, for a few days before dressing them, the weather was quite warm. My wife, who did the cooking then, was not keen to cook them but I insisted. I went out with the dogs while they were cooking and when I returned the kitchen smelt like a sewer and I binned them.

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I recall a similar thread, it can depend on what the birds were feeding on. They will eat anything if hungry/bored, rabbit guts, fish, rotten potatoes.....just a thought. If they smelt ok after preparing then its prob something they ate. Did you remember to draw it? :cry1:

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I hung the bird for 4 days before plucking. I eat quite a lot of game and didn't do anything different really. The bird looked and smelled fine after been plucked and drawn.

I think from now on any wildfowl I will just breast them!



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