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slight limp


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Hi was just after a little advise I took my ESS pup out for a run last night and was ok but when we went to bed I noticed me wasn't putting his back leg down properly now I can touch it and cycle it through its movement and he's ok when he chases his ball around and can stand on his back legs for a cuddle but when he's slowly Wallin doesn't put it down fully now my mrs friend is a vet nurse and says its muscle twinge and a days rest hell be ok now how do I get a 14 week pup to rest should I bandage a tube grip on his leg ? Advise plz cheers

. john

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Too much running around at a young age will pull muscles in their legs when this young, keep it down while a pup, took mine out too early and Now the poor old bitch, has a bit of a limp: The muscles have not developed when young keep them on lead, if running wild all the time..

Too much is TOO Soon..

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Whys that ? He's had all his jabs and I don't see how the woods need my house and maybe a mile n ahalf could do him any harm he isn't ran ragged we walk till he does his business then we come home how this any different to running around the garden? puppy training classes which he will be starting soon as he's leg is ok I've spoken to gun dog owners and they have said he needs to be getting out its not a big hike and we walk at his pace but if im wrong then plz do say as i do not want to cause him harm later on in life

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Whys that ? He's had all his jabs and I don't see how the woods need my house and maybe a mile n ahalf could do him any harm he isn't ran ragged we walk till he does his business then we come home how this any different to running around the garden? puppy training classes which he will be starting soon as he's leg is ok I've spoken to gun dog owners and they have said he needs to be getting out its not a big hike and we walk at his pace but if im wrong then plz do say as i do not want to cause him harm later on in life

Many top gundog trainers have never taken a dog walkies. Walking on hard paths takes its toll as pads need hardening up slowly. socialisation is important I will carry a pre-inoculated pup around the village with its head sticking out the game bag kids and adults cannot resist and they get lots of noises, new smells etc. Why I say don't walk is damage to growing joints - running behind quads and jumping can do similar. If the dog limps after a walk its gone way further than a quick poo and meet the local pooches. Training when it starts will be more than enough exercise , a full day at work as a spaniel will kill the average pet pooch but its built up to and non of this building up needs doing at 14wks. Just don't let your enthusiasm get ahead of the dogs ability, let it have a good scamper about, spend time with it, play with it and all will be good

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I will carry a pre-inoculated pup around the village with its head sticking out the game bag kids and adults cannot resist and they get lots of noises, new smells etc.


I was doing this with a Lab pup last year & it got motion sick (it's taken a her while to stop car puking) unfortunately for my cocker pup he was stood under the bag & he got covered!

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