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Wrestling with my conscience


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For me, there's a number of species which I would happily exterminate from the UK


I would definitely get rid of grey squirrels, american mink, american crayfish, etc. In other words, every alien invasive species which is seriously threatening wildlife.


Yes you're right. Rabbits being my main quarry I wasn't thinking widely enough.

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Its not bull and it does effect me. I live on a farm where rabbits have done thousands of pounds worth of damage to crops and they wreck the botanical diversity of field margins


I started my post by saying So people shoot to control populations. If you are shooting to protect your farm land then not many could argue with that. I would do the same but i wouldn't do it to save someone else's farm that's their problem.

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We have the responsibility to protect the countryside for future generations. We also have the responisibility, as countrymen and women, to ensure that our countryside doesn't fall into disrepair now. Excessive numbers of deer are unhealthy for the fragile ecology of our countryside. Excessive numbers of vermin is bad for the ecology and our British native breeds. I personally can't have it on my conscience that we had the chance to, for example, reduce the number of greys in order to help reds recover but we didn't take it. Similarly, if by shooting rabbits we help a farmer ensure his crop are protected and he can make an adequate living, that is surely a good thing? The same goes for pigeons, mink and all other quarry. If by controlling numbers we help to encourage a healthy population, surely that's a benefit?


Shooting has a purpose, and it doesn't play on my conscience at all.


With regards to game shooting, I have never been, but the birds are raised to be shot, just as lambs are raised to slaughter. The difference being game has the chance of a real, natural life, not a life enclosed like a lot of livestock (not belittling farmers, they do an excellent job and I know our welfare is amongst the best in the world, I also).


If shooting is playing on your conscience too much and you're in the Somerset area, let me know and i'd happily take a permission off your hands :good:

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We have the responsibility to protect the countryside for future generations. We also have the responisibility, as countrymen and women, to ensure that our countryside doesn't fall into disrepair now. Excessive numbers of deer are unhealthy for the fragile ecology of our countryside. Excessive numbers of vermin is bad for the ecology and our British native breeds. I personally can't have it on my conscience that we had the chance to, for example, reduce the number of greys in order to help reds recover but we didn't take it. Similarly, if by shooting rabbits we help a farmer ensure his crop are protected and he can make an adequate living, that is surely a good thing? The same goes for pigeons, mink and all other quarry. If by controlling numbers we help to encourage a healthy population, surely that's a benefit?


Shooting has a purpose, and it doesn't play on my conscience at all.


With regards to game shooting, I have never been, but the birds are raised to be shot, just as lambs are raised to slaughter. The difference being game has the chance of a real, natural life, not a life enclosed like a lot of livestock (not belittling farmers, they do an excellent job and I know our welfare is amongst the best in the world, I also).


If shooting is playing on your conscience too much and you're in the Somerset area, let me know and i'd happily take a permission off your hands :good:

Any takers lol

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