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foot paths


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of shooting today on a field of rape that is being hit quite hard but never shot the field before and havent had a chance to do any reccy on it, wouldnt normally go in blind but have been asked by the farmer....the only problem is the fields by the farmers account is full of footpaths, some that are there by law and others which have just been created over time....iv asked him to dig me out a map of the field showing footpaths ect but was just wondering where i stand on it all???? dont want no runnings with the law ect??? are there regs on this kind of thing??? any help guys would be much appreciated

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You can shoot near a footpath by gun laws, but health and safety applies. No shooting as someone walks by, might be prudent to put signs each side, or might just be asking for trouble?


Equally, a footpath is there for so people to go from A to B, they are breaking the law if they use the path to stop and harass or impede your activity.

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An Ordnance Survey map for your area will show the official footpaths and they should be marked on the fields.

Its the unofficial ones that are the biggest nuisance.

I wish I had a pound for all the times I have been told, "I have walked my dog here for 10,20,30,40,50, etc., years".


Use your commonsense, although 50ft is the "rule", its not worth starting WW3 over the matter.


I set up as far away from signed footpaths as is efficient (you still want to shoot pigeons) and try to have a good view over the field.

If I see anyone walking in the area I make myself visible and this often makes them detour.

If they continue to come towards you, just stop shooting, smile and wait until they have gone.

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The 50ft rule doesn't apply to pedestrians.


It's probably fortunate that you wont have much to shoot if a walker enters the field anyway, but footpaths can be a real pain to pigeon shooters and make a lot of land very awkward to shoot.


Over the hedge with your back to it is a good option as long as horse riders don't use it as a bridleway.


Having a fully moderated 20g helps too :D

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A footpath isnt a highway 'used by vehicles' so the 50 feet doesnt apply - you are entitled to shoot over or from footpaths which are upon land which is owned by the landowner.

Put some simple signs in from the edge of the field saying (crop protection - beware of shooting) - bit of card handwritten on a post.

Dont shoot dangerously - if someones on the path, let the birds go but be sure you can see all potential approaches.

I would advise the police beforehand and tell them you are posting notices - you cant do more than that - if anyone tries to stop and disrupt you - call the police !

Good Luck

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I had a horse ride straight through my pattern once. I had seen them over 300 yrds away so I shot in the air and stood up ( my van was 60 yrds from me and bright red ) but they carried on through . I told them theirs no paths of any sort but all I got was ' I can ride where I want ' the farmer knew I was their as outside his house . I told another rider ( my friend ) what had happened and she said I'm an idiot and should of gone home .*** its private land with no access ??? The farmer was not happy

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