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FAC Variation Form Help Please...


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Hi all I've received my variation form today as I'm going to apply for a .223 for fox. I currently have a .17hmr for long range vermin mainly rabbit and my force ( Bridgend ) will not issue the HMR for fox that's why I'm applying for the .223 as the farmer wants charlie gone.

What I wanted to know is the reason for the application shall I just put Humane Dispatch of Fox or Long Range Vermin/Fox? Also the form has not included a performa? I'm applying for the calibre for the land I already have permission on and its already been cleared for .223 so is that the reason? I also have a good friend who has offered to mentor me who has mentord 6people prior to me but he has a 22-250 but has once owned a .223 so do I just put in for a 22-250 or stick to the 223?

Also so what's the process when I send this form off with my license etc? Do I have to arrange a FEO visit? Or will it just be straight forward as I'm goin to put in a covering letter stating the reason why I am applying for a variation and also I have a mentor

Thanks all


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Calm down dear.


1. Decide on what calibre you want. Both .223 or 22-250 will deal quite nicely with fox. I went with a 22-250 because I wanted to.


2. On the form put 'fox and vermin' or 'fox and any other lawful quarry' if your force will allow it. The danger is if you just put fox that may be all it is conditioned for.


3. In the box saying where you will use it "land belonging to Mr A Famer, farm name and his phone number" should suffice.


I would include a BRIEF cover letter stating that you have been controlling rabbits for your farmer for however long and you are now putting in a variation for a 223/22-250 to deal with a fox problem he has.


If you say your friend will go out with you to begin with and give their name, it may save you getting a mentoring clause.


Some forces will do a visit when you move from rimfire up to centrefire (I got a visit, but did apply for 3 CF rifles all at once)

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I wouldn't mention the mentor condition, just put down for a 223, full bore moderator and ammo for fox and any other lawful quarry. The FEO will contact you, just post it off with your licence and a cheque for £26 I think. If the FEO wants a mentor let him mention it although it's not the law. If you want anything else now is the time to put it on the variation form as you can put what you like as long as you have a good reason all for the same payment.

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I just put fox and and any other lawful quarry/vermin.


Covering letter and send.


Definitely agree with Kyska's reply!

And as Mangled99 says don't mention mentoring. Just face that hurdle if and when it arises rather than "inviting" them to slap a mentoring condition on you!

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Definitely agree with Kyska's reply!

And as Mangled99 says don't mention mentoring. Just face that hurdle if and when it arises rather than "inviting" them to slap a mentoring condition on you!

I just thought by offering them to impose the condition it will speed up the process and save save the FEO coming out only to impose the mentoring condition.

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