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2 misses last night


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After speaking to a farmer yesterday afternoon he told me that he had seen a fox the previous morning down in the rushes.

So that evening saw me and Ratch having a look for it. First off we called at another little spot that Ratch has........ lamped a fox in a ploughed field which immediately took off ... very lamp shy. As I flicked lamp into next field there was a set of eyes on the edge of the wood , Ratch took the shot at around 180 yards but unfortunately it was a miss :( Never mind we headed onto my spot looking for the fox that the farmer had seen.

Ratch got set up on his sticks and I played the cottontail in distress on my phone .......within less than a couple of seconds a fox was racing in out of the rushes.....which Ratch took cleanly this time at around 70 yards :D :D




We continued into the next field and there was another fox situated at the bottom of a tree in a hedgeline. I took the shot this time which came back with a resounding thump...................... but on inspection we couldnt find a fox :hmm: after searching for a while I discovered that the round had struck the trunk of the tree just below where the fox had been ...... I couldnt believe it as if the round had been no more than 1/2 an inch higher the result would have been a deceased fox :o :o


It appears that it just wasn't our night with 2 misses but at least we still got a result :)

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It happens we had a dreadful night on Sunday trying to get someone their first with a new .243 he missed twice another due to location was shot at 50 yards with a Hmr went down then started to get up so I belted out with the dog, when she was 10 yards off it was up and sprinting she got hold of it but couldn't hold it. Another 100 yards she rolled it over with her but again couldn't get a proper grip and with that it made thick cover. She was covered in blood but all fox so it will be dead night finished with a proper shot but a complete fiasco. For once I was glad I was driving not shooting

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