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First fox


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My first fox! Had her standing at 200 yards and took a standing shot without sticks etc. Due to the beating heart and far too much excitement, I missed! She just looked around as if to ask, "What's that". Lucky me! Squeaked her in to about 150 yards, some seriously deep breaths for composure and a brief word with myself before letting shot number two off. She was standing head on, so shot entered in through the head and exited the rear leg. Recovered her the next morning as I had no motivation to walk back the way we came to get her (and our own land)!



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Cheers guys. Shot using .22 Hornet. 35gr Hornady vmax. To say I was suprised doesn't do it justice. I didn't think it had the firepower to cause quite as much damage at 150yrds. Entered the fleshy 'cheek' next to the nose.

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I wondered if it might actually mean you hit it there with the first shot and that stopped it going far. It's very very rare to have a shot at one and then have it call in but I have seen second shots after, I'd doubt a hornet at that range would do the full length of a fox but guess it may depend on bullet

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Well done on the first fox :good: , not sure I would have tried a standing shot without sticks at a fox 200 yards away though and as above you might want to make sure whatever you have tried to shoot is dead even if it means a 2 minute walk. :rolleyes:

Edited by Peskyfoxs
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Cheers for thee valid points made. I doubt I would make another 200 yard attempt without sticks/bipod etc again. Hence the first shot miss. I appreciate not recovering that night could have meant a wounded animal but I was positive I got a head shot and where it was lying isn't the easiest of places to walk to in the daylight, let alone in darkness!

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