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Fat Ferrets


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Hi all, Ive had my 2 new Jills now for about 3 months and theyve both been fine on a constant supply of ferret biscuits with fresh water readily availible, an egg once a week, and the odd rabbit or pigeon when ive had a good night with the shotty!! But in the past 2 weeks or so, my smallest jill Ting has stayed about the same ( a small jill, but a good strong build) but my biggest jill Tong has gone, how can I put it... Festivly plump!! (Bit early I know!)


I know she likes her food, but Ting is still the same as she's always been. They both went out on there first couple of warrens last weekend (and bolted 3 down there first hole :stupid: ) But im not sure what to do with fatty.


They have ample space in there court (enough for about 6-7 ferrets) with ramps and tunnels etc so there gettin enough excercise.


Should I sperate for a while and cut down Tongs food, or give them both less? Or is it just a "Winter Supply"!!


Any help appreciated!!



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They all put on weight over the winter months, my black one has a right fat chin on him, id just leave it as they will lose it over the summer period, if they are kits aswell they dont tend to get their natural weight till later in their life next year, you can expect them to be chubby.


I know ALOT of extremely fat ferrets, post up a picture and i can tell you whether to worry or not.


How much ferret biscuits do you give them? i usually do a hand full per ferret, and take it out when im feeding meat.


Also be careful with all them eggs your feeding them they tend to loose hair and condition from it.




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I would say it's winter fat. The time to worry is if the ferret becomes increasingly lazy and has trouble staying mobile. If it looks like its dragging it's back legs and it's undercarriage is dragging along the floor then you have one seriously fat ferret, otherwise as long as they get regular exercise then they will be o.k. they are just storing winter fat. I try to give my 3, vitamins (ferretone or ferretvite)during the winter months to help imrove the thickness of coat.. :lol:


I feed mine on complete meal and a fresh rabbit or pigeon once a week.

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Whole carcasse feeding, Eg: RABBIT, PIGEON, DAY OLD CHICKS, RATS & MICE FROM REPTILE SHOPS, HARES ECT, all leed to a healty ferret. :lol::lol:


Mine are getting some lovely winter coats at present. :lol:


Personally, i only feed the complete stuff, as a last resort, if i have nothing else and not for too long, as they get to thirsty on it, even with plenty drinking water avaiable and this has shown to cause kidney problems in the past, with freinds who have fed this diet all the time.


Theirs only one thing, in my opinion, that will stop a ferret getting fat, thats working them to rabbits, at least twice a week. :lol:



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