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357 strikes again!


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I was out collecting woodies with the s200 last Sunday when on dark I noticed this vixen hanging around some lambs!

I went back the next night and hung around occasionaly calling but it turned out she was wise to the call and on dark I noticed her going away only to stop in the distance to listen to a squeal or two and then continue on her way.

I left her alone Tuesday but returned today about 5pm and waited silently.


About 6 she appeared and approached cautiously, I was on a regular route that leads to a bridge they use to cross a river! She hid her self from my position at about 100yds in a ditch but the lambs were betraying her! She waited for half an hour to make sure all was well and then got out the ditch and made straight for me!


At 40yards she stopped possibly sensing my movement. The long levergun sights held on her chest untill the trigger dropped the hammer and the FMJ FP raked front to back,,,,instant and clean the job was done.


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In the photo you can see how the slug just grazed her left top lip!



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Only shot the one so far as a .22 hornet took over for a while.But thats been sold so back to the .44.I just use my usual target load,240 gr hard cast bullet.

What shape is that slug? What powder and charge?


I did get another fox this am at 6o'clock but no picture,,,,, it was shot on top of a badger sett and flopped down a large hole! My sprocker tried to get it out but failed and I stopped her for fear of her getting stuck!

I headed it off as it crossed a field of lambs and it was about ten yards facing me when it came through the fence and crossed an old sett, the bullet raked it end for end. That one also has gone off lamb!



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