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Firearms renewal question


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My license is due for renewal in August and Gloucestershire usually send out paper work a couple of months before. Now my question is, do you have to send in the current license when you apply two months early. I have just read a bit in sporting rifle stating its not law to do so but on the back of the license renewal form it says you have to. My delema is that I have to send my current FAC off in July to Natural England in regard to the deer management I do for them. Anyone know the correct legality on this, the Sportin rifle article says,even though the police ask for the old license there is no legal obligation to supply it.

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It seems they always ask for it so they can check it against the new FC before they send the new one back to you, it is just a 'belt and braces' procedure on their part.

I have always 'been allowed' to keep mine until the last minute but that is because it expires on 4th January and the renewal procedure starts in November and my driven boar trips take place during those months.

I am sure if you speak to them and explain your situation you will not have to send it in.

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They will have a digital copy on file and can these days print a perfect replica with 'scanned in' photos etc. Dont send it with the renewal its your property and, if the police ask for it, its no problem to tell them its with NE is there?

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