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How to repair crack in gun stock?


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Most types of modern wood glue are "stronger than the wood" as the old Evo Stic Woodworking ad used to say.I would certainly try the gluing method mentioned by many contributors but would check the fit of the gun action tang into it as the taper being pushed too tightly into the stock is what has split it in the first place.

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Most types of modern wood glue are "stronger than the wood" as the old Evo Stic Woodworking ad used to say.I would certainly try the gluing method mentioned by many contributors but would check the fit of the gun action tang into it as the taper being pushed too tightly into the stock is what has split it in the first place.


Now thats a Good Answer: :good::good:

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Get yourself some thin cyanoacrylate (thats super glue to the masses ;)) from a model shop or the like, wick it into the crack so that the inner surface is fairly well soaked then clamp the stock to close the crack, before you close it make sure you wipe off any excess from the external surface of the stock... you'll end up with the super strong fix thats barely noticeable.... quick easy effective and cheap ;)


ensure its thin cyano otherwise it wont wick.

Edited by thepasty
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I have not long done a repair on a similar crack in an AYA No3 stock, I used a wedge to open the crack a little then forced waterproof PVA glue in and clamped it while it dried, worked well.

To get the glue in just lay a bead along the crack, and then use your thumb to smear the glue in by pushing your thumb along and across the crack at an angle, once the first bead is in repeat and so on until the glue comes out the other side, then clamp it, the excess that squeezes out is easy to clean up, once dry you will have permanent repair.

There is no need to drill holes or cut slots in the stock first.



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guys thanks for suggesting me if you want to give me a shout I will look after you :good:

Send it to straightshooter1.

You will find him on here.





Thanks for the 2 referrals, I'm sure that would do a great job but I personally don't think its worth it because the gun is very cheap anyway (Its a Baikal).


If it was something expensive I would certainly look towards sending it away for repair.


Thanks for the link steve_b_wales I may give that a try depending if I can slightly open the crack.


Also, thanks for the advice bluebarrels, I'm not sure if I want to go to that extent to fix it though :D



Once again, thank you everybody for your help. You've all been very helpful!

guys thanks for suggesting me :friends:


joshua1993 if you want to give me a shout I will look after you :good:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the late reply, I've been out the UK for a while on holiday.


Thank you everyone for all your help and some very nice gestures.


I however have attempted the fix the crack myself and so far everything appears to be okay, fingers crossed, that it will stay that way.


Kind Regards,


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