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.17hmr stuck in chamber

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Fired or un-fired? Fired with bullet stuck its better to push it back to the chamber than forwards out the muzzle generally, often takes less than you thing that way and a brass "drop rod" can sometimes be used. In the case of a live round? remove the bolt store in a safe place in a safe direction and phone a gunsmith for guidance giving the full tale

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yeah bit more info would not go amiss;

case that stuck or the case has extracted and the bullet stuck half way up the barrel,


and if it's a stuck case;

fired, unfired or misfired, make of gun, frequency of use up to the time of the jam

Edited by Paul223
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Sounds like the classic crud ring scenario from lack of proper cleaning!


If the feller has a cleaning rod lower it down the barrel careful not to damage the crown and give it a tap.



Not necessarily poor cleaning on the shooters behalf, plenty of threads of squib HMR rounds, was reading one only the other day on BBS.

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Yes quite possible.


One thing to remember though with these small bores up to an including Hornet is that there is an inherant amount of water released on firing. The vapour of which condenses on the cold barrel.

Larger cartridges generate enough heat to heat the barrels surface long enough to stop condensation forming-usually!


Many a time I have seen a droplet in a Hornet barrel after just one shot and it was not due to rain!


22's and there lubed barrels prevent damage due to a coating of bullet lube being everywhere but not any small metal jacket bullet gun so take care!


It can sometimes be seen in a shotgun muzzle, a plastic wadded load tends to leave a nice even film of soot but very often a crazed pattern can be observed. This is the soot flaoting on the condensed water.

Try it!



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If it's a fired round get a rod and tap it out from the muzzle end. Had it happen to me with a duff round. Also had a new one last night, couldn't extract a round as it had a bit of lint or cloth around it after being chambered and fired, the expanded case and lint combo meant the spent cartridge was locked solid. I had to use a screwdriver to lever the cartridge out of the bore.


I can only imagine it was a picked up from my pocket when put the magazine in?

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