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steady 3 hours


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Went to see a farmer today about some other issues(see my post so called friends) any how he was out,as i was leaving i noticed plenty of pigeons flighting over and heading else where.


Back home and asked wife for a couple of hours off for good behaviour and she said yes :yahoo::yahoo:

So back to the farm by which time the wind was howling,so i had to find a hedge back just for shelter.Found a good spot and started to set up,made my hide first and then put out approx 30 shell deeks on pegs.Went to set up my magnet and noticed about 12 or so deeks blowing up the field :no: quick run around to gather them up plus more now blowing up the field.Plan B was to set up the FUDS 18 0f which stayed where i put them.

So in the hide for about 2pm,odd one came in but not many so thought give it another 30 mins then home,put dead ones out as i got them.Once i had about 6 dead ones down things picked up and they came in like bullets in the strong wind.


Finished with 47 woodies three ferals and a jackdaw (only30 woodies in the pic as the others were in the field behind me which i picked on the way out.




Well there is a picture but i cannot get it from my camera to here sorry :whistling::whistling:

Edited by fielddweller
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