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Treating pens where disease occurred last season

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Does anyone have a tried and tested method to reduce the risk of reinfection in pens where Hexameta/ Gapes occurred last year?

I have heard of spraying with Jeyes fluid and the use of lime to clear the upper soil levels but others say its not worth the effort. Since poults are not cheap, any improvement in the risks faced must be sensible but what treatment and when? Any help appreciated - Thanks

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You could try liming your pens but I am dubious that it has any effect.

Gape worms are usually picked up from "wild" pheasants carrying the worm or from earthworms and snails which act as the host.


Hexameter is generally spread faecal contamination rather than poults picking it up from cysts in the ground. Poults may have it when delivered but will show no signs but stress will bring on a full blown infection.


A worming regime is far and away the best course of action for gapes, don't wait for it to strike but as with all other animals have a preventative regimen.


If you have had Hexamater in the past it may be worth culling every old pheasant on your ground prior to your poults coming to ensure that there are no carriers left on the ground to pass it on.

I have found Denagard to be fairly successful and know of people who have achieved some success by adding glucose to the drinking water.

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Thanks guys, moving isnt an option this year but I agree its wise. Will see if I can 'frighten' the old pheasants away ! So many left last year it shouldnt be too difficult !

Also take the point about checking the birds are well on arrival and adding supplements to make the birds as resistant as possible.

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We used to dig/ rake in hydrogenated lime (sp?)

Three times a year and don't use same sites for drinkers/ hoppers as used the previous year, but as mentioned above its well worth nipping things in the bud before they start, like using pellets or grit with a worming drug in it and putting something in the water to keep them right, we used emtryll but that's banned now........

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We rake all leaves and debris from the entire pen and have several massive bonfires, then generously lime the pen. We've had problems with gapes & hexy in the past and since we started 'spring cleaning' the pen we've been relatively trouble free.


I don't know if its a recognised cure but it seems to work for us, and the pen looks lovely and tidy for the new arrivals. With the added bonus of a bit of greenery shooting up for the birds to keep em occupied & some nice ash dust baths.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The game wildlife and conservatory trust did some experiments and Hexamita meleagridis (Spironucleus?) Cant survive for more than a few days even in very damp conditions. The only way it can be transmitted is by birds eating contaminated faecal material. So unless you have any of last years birds that have hexi in and around the pen there shouldnt be a problem.



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As for gapes as long as they have constant clean water there shouldn’t be a problem. If you rotate between medicated pellet and ordinary pellet leaving 10 days between each medicated feed then implementing it for 3 days (3days on 10 days off) the birds should build up a good immunity to most things. We do this with our birds anyway and have only once had a bad pen and that was when they came in late. for every 3 tonne of normal pellet we use we buy 1 tonne of treated food.



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