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semi auto problem


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guys i have found a strange problem with my semi, yes it is a hatsan escort, blabla i know, sorry!

right well, the catch on the top on the bolt thing where the firing pin is is supposed to catch on the lip of the cartridge when its in the barrel to be able to pull it back when it has been fired, correct? well thats what it looks like its supposed to do anyway.

the thing is sometimes it doesnt seem to catch on the lip on the cartridge and it stays in the barrel when it has been fired meaning the gun jams and i have to use a knife to flick it back out

i have just been testing it with snap caps to see what happens and it did the same thing,

its never done this before and i have put a few hundred through it since i have had the gun

does anyone have any ideas? could it be the catch has been worn down? i had a look at it and it still had a straight flat edge on it, i have also had the whole firing pin bolt assembly out of the gun and have inspected the catch and the spring on it seems fine, its not stuck or anything and springs back and forth easily when pressed with my finger

thanx again

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I have the owners manual and I know its online for down load.....I had to replace the guide arm bushing on this on last week I ordered the part from my local gun shop . They got it in from Edgar brothers I did phone them first to see if they had the part so I will do the same tomorrow...




Part number 606 extractor

Edited by BSA-airgunner
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The spring loaded arm is the extractor. As for any firearm it'll either be:


  • Dirt either on the face of the bolt or in the recess where the extractor sits preventing it from gripping the cartridge properly
  • Worn/damaged extractor failing to grip properly
  • Weak/damaged spring causing the extractor not to grip tight enough
  • The thickness of the brass on the cartridges (have you changed type...?)


Edited by Gregthegreat
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ok it looks like mine is worn, i have just taken the extractor out and will be ringing edgar brothers tomorrow and then my local rfd

i doubt its the spring as it is pretty tight! and the cartridges well, its just started happening with my snap caps and i havnt changed cartridges always use gamebore velocity fibres and its been fine up until yesterday

cheers gregster

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Try putting a little bit of oil down the back of it where the spring is, it may feel ok but it could be sticking as it goes forward and won't harm trying it.


The single extractors do get a bit of a workout.


I always run my semi auto wet and have less problems.




Edited by figgy
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