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Lanber ejector problem


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Ok i will start at the beginning, i was pigeon shooting the other day and noticed the top ejector was a bit week ejecting the Dan arms carts so following day i stripped the ejector and noticed it was slightly bent when held on a straight edge, so straightened it out cleaned oiled and smooth as silk. Went to east angIan game fair yesterday on the clays with there carts eley first fibres and every one got stuck in top barrel. Another strip and check and everything ok and tried it again tonight and works lovely with Kent, Dan arms, gamebore carts but not the eleys! After close inspection the eley carts are distorting/bulging around the caps when fired and getting stuck in the breech to a point the ejector is released and it just sits there until i prise it out with my fingers ! So it seems its the eley carts causing the problem. And looking at a fresh cart the plastic is bulging too where the shot is !!

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seems these carts can be a problem just in case anybody else has problem!

Hi mate I have a lanber sporter delux and use eley first plastic and fibre carts when at the clay ground never had a problem with them.

Could it of been a bad batch you've had rather than an ejector problem.

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Ok update on the lanber its going back to gunsmith it double discharged the other night and he's going to sort ejector as well. Just hope he can work some magic on it and fix it !


Ok update on the lanber its going back to gunsmith it double discharged the other night and he's going to sort ejector as well. Just hope he can work some magic on it and fix it !

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