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Howling ESS

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Hi Everyone


Looking for some advice to help my neighbors out. They have a springer spaniel (non working) which is about 7 years old which they got as rescue when it was 2. This dog lives the Life of Riley and is very well looked after but some days when they go out to work after about half an hour the dog starts howling constantly for a couple of hours. One of them is a teacher and so is home during school holidays and when she goes back to school the dog howls for longer and for at the least the whole first week.


This has been happening for a couple of years now and has now become an issue as their neighbor the other side has started to work nights and is struggling to sleep. Our houses are pretty thick walled and so even though he has done it for quite a long time it does not cause us personally any problems as either out at work or just turn TV up a bit.


Is there anyway we can stop the dog howling, apart from getting another dog as company (not an option) we cant think of how else to stop him.


Thanks for advice in advance.

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Hi Ferguson,


Dos as developed Anxiety barking problem, it normally happens with puppies or older dogs, there are medicines that can help the dog, but will only work with some good training, search on the net, there is a lot of advise, I will tell you straight away, its not easy but can be done, it takes time and a lot of training.......how I know??....my puppy as just started doing it, for the moment no medicines, just the training should work, unfortunally happens a lot with dogs, that are not kennelled outside.

Let me know if you want to find more advise.



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Thanks for the advice Mark I will have a google as well and see what comes up, i think it is something he has always done so probably an anxiety from before they had him. Up until now it was never really been a problem. I dont think its full on seperation anxiety though as he does nothing else no scratching, chewing, messing in the house and when you see him through the window he looks fine.


I dont think they have tried the radio trick yet I will have a chat to him tonight and ask, thats something i totally forgot about actually.


Thanks gents, any other opinions appreciated. Tom

Edited by ferguson_tom
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My dog barks a bit when home alone, but I think it's because there are people putting junk mail through the door all day long and it disturbs him. He barks when we're in when they do it too. Also the neighbours always seem to be having tesco deliveries and that causes quite a lot of noise with the banging and crashing of their boxes.

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