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space needed for 200 pheasant

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Once they're poults if you work on 1m of fence per poult you shouldn't go too far wrong.

I hear this all the time and I just can't see why people say it, using this theory if you want a pen big enough for 100 poults then 25x25 equals 1m fence per poult. This also equals 625sqm divide this by your number of poults and they have 6.25sqm each which I think is fine if maybe a bit small.


Now if you want 200 poults lets up the size to 50x50, they still have 1m fence per poult but they now have 2500sqm or 12.5sqm each which is double


Up the number to 400 poults, your pen now has four sides 100m long, total area is 10,000 sqm or 25sqm per poult!


Have I missed something or is the 1m fence thing rubbish?

Edited by JBS
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The 1m rule is complete nonsense 1 of my pens takes 3000 birds on the 1 bird to 1m of fence rule it would need to be 3 kilometers round wouldn't want to walk that back in 5 times a day let alone my other pens as well lol

Edited by OCD
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I think i am right in saying it used to be 1m linear fence per poult up to someting like 200m and then 0.5m per poult. Was the old GCT guidelines think now just reccommend 1000 per hectare which is about 0.4m per bird (100x100m)

As u are spot on, on a small pen less area also shape off pen will make a difference for space, a squareish pen will have more space than a longer thiner pen


Alot will depend on the cover in pen and how long u like to keep birds in for

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now im confused ! surely it should work on a m2 / bird rather than a m/bird ? or am i missing something ?

I think because many pens are of an irregular shape the linear measurement was used as a rule of thumb. Although when you put 6-7 week old poults in the pen it will look massive as they grow and knock the cover down it won't look that big.

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