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How do all.

Was ment to go ferreting this morning, but after waking up to slashing rain on my window ;) , i turned back round in bed and dreamt of unlimted bolting rabbits in massive open feilds. :D


Anyhow, i got a great ferreting DVD in the post today and watched that for a while, then the weather cleard for a bit, so **** it i thought, ill chance it and go, it was 12pm by then :lol: , cutting it a bit fine, but thought id better stick to small burys. ;)


Took my polecat hob, put collar on and set of with nets and spade, 1/2 hour later, was walking towards the first set, with rain smacking on my face :P:shout:


Put hob in, could not heare **** all with the wind, waited 20 odd mins, no bolt, locator on, he was 9 ft down :D:P


Waited, locator back on, he moved and was out, thank god. He had killed the bunnys and moved on. :lol:


The rain was bad by now, so took shelter under a bush, over looking a valley and enjoyed watching everything, for a few mins, its not all about numbers and time. :)


Rain stoped, i set up some nets on another bury, waited and waited. On with the MK 3 and got a reading at 2ft. Started digging and eventually broke threw, right on top of the ferret and bunny , the MK 3 is prooving to be a great usefull bit of kit.


Enterd him one more time, as it was getting late and out poped a bunny from a missed hole and ran across and down the hill out of site into a hedge. :P:lol: I could just imagine a good whippet behind it.


Pics below of my day, only one bunny, but i dont care, as i had a great afternoon out walking about.


The pic of my hob down the hole was not the best, he does not want to be reconised :D


Dont post yet, till i have the rest of the pics uploaded :D





Thanks for waiting. :lol:







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Cheers folks. :D


dazza, i hope this weather breaks soon, but was out lamping tonight and luckyly, it was a nice crisp night.


Hunter, so right, just go for it and dont put things in your way, otherwise, its an opertunity missed. :good:


LB, if you came over here and met some of the likely lads, you would find it hard to say no to the boozer . :good::good::good:



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