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222 Rem reloading

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Hello all,

For the sake of discussion, I use a Krico 222 full length stock with Atec mod (not everyones cup of tea I know, but it suits me) I Would like to start loading my own!.

Not for any particular reason (accuracy, speed) But I just fancy giving it a go, I do get through a few rounds so perhaps you could say my reason is cost.

For those of you who load you own already my question is, how much would a basic set up cost. (single stage press, powder scales, lube mat ,dies deburer? (spelling) I have about 500 cases of once used brass.

I'm out after Charlie quite often and normaly use Sako arrowhead 50 gr. I should add that most of my permissions are on dead flat grounds with lots of property around so local knowledge is a must. Thats why I use b/tip I feel it's safer.

Your experties and suggestions on presses etc would be very helpful. My last question would be , how long does it take to pay for itself. Thanks in advance for replies.

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It is a how long is a piece of string question I am afraid, the triple is easy to reload for and can increase accuracy, but if you are getting good accuracy and are happy and confident then it isn`t something you want to do for costs etc. as the set up is costly.


It is fun and it can produce many good results but I`m sorry I haven`t done a breakdown, I just enjoy it like I used to enjoy fly tying.

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i got a basic set up from pw members

hand press

lee scales


had to buy vernia (think thats how you spell it) and a few cleaning bits from dealer

all in cost me about £100 give or take a tenner

not fast but i clean deprime and reload 20-30 in an evening

worked out how much they are costing and they come back at about 35p per round using 50g vmax

very accurate and at that price i dont mind bunny bashing with them



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colin lad , Thank you, that is the the sort of help I am looking for.

Further to your post, has any PW member any of the Items in colins post for sale? or do they know of anyone who has?

I would rather buy of someone on here rather than Ebay (keeps it in the family so to speak)

Edited by tonker
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Hawkeye, Thanks for getting back to me. I've just had a look on ebay and there is a new lee scales, buy it now price £25.74 plus £2.95 postage. and a powder measure at 20£ but posted from USA. Given that I'm new on here I'd rather you put a price on your kit for me, rather me risk offending anyone with a low offer.I realize you are only trying to help me out. sorry for being a pain.



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a £30 Lee Loader and a wooden mallet will give you thumbnail groups with a .222

it is idiot proof to reload

FL sizing is not required IMO

couple of quid on case prep tools (Trim and debur)


IMO poorly designed and made presses are worse than no press at all

I have had a couple and sold them

now have a rockchucker but i still use the lee loaders as you can do it anywhere

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a £30 Lee Loader and a wooden mallet will give you thumbnail groups with a .222

it is idiot proof to reload

FL sizing is not required IMO

couple of quid on case prep tools (Trim and debur)


IMO poorly designed and made presses are worse than no press at all

I have had a couple and sold them

now have a rockchucker but i still use the lee loaders as you can do it anywhere

it is idiot proof to reload


i knew there was a reason i could do it



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