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Wild duck and Canadian geese

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Hi guys we have two lakes next to each other on our shoot about an acre apiece.


At this moment there is a pair of Canada's and two it three pairs of mallards.


One lake has three islands and is 4-8ft deep and the bottom lake is 2-8ft deep with no islands.


My question is could I possibly feed them to keep them for the season and hopefully pull in some more and also what is the best feed for them? Also where is the best place to feed them?


Cheers in advance!!!

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Generally we start about august time for shooting start of Oct or occasionally a mid sept flight. All depends on ur locality and the ponds.

A nature reserve i help out on feeds his duck all year with a spring hopper the way u would for pheas, possibly fence the geese out so only the duck can get in they will get used to it and won't cost u a fortune feeding fat canadas


Ducks are not really fussy and will eat almost anything, generally folk feed the cheapest stuff they can which tends to be barley and keep ur wheat for the pheas

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I suspect the Canadas will end up very tame!

You maybe right. You only have to go to St James park with a bag of peanuts to see how tame wildlife can be. The geese where taking peanuts out my hand! Had pigeons landing on my shoulder and all sorts.

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I also only feed the ponds once a week sometimes just once a fortnight, just chuck a bag or 2 in the shallows and try to only have a we bit left next time u go, don't want masses going off. Possibly not as ideal as feeding every nite just before dusk klike the books tell u.


When i used to keeper we would put large ammounts (1/4T + at a time) in once a week and held both reared and wild duck no prob's


Ducks never got tame that way

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