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Flight lines still paying off

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After some limited success last week I decided to stay with flight line shooting rather than full decoy mode, so I paid a visit to the farm where for the last few weeks I have had virtually nothing to shoot at, I had spent an hour watching the pigeons moving back and forth to some houses nearby, there were plenty of trees for them to sit in and large gardens with fresh cut lawns to feed in, along the side of the road I have a beet field where the plants are just showing, so I set up as near to the road as safety would allow, put out half a dozen decoys and my magnet in the hope that it would draw them just far enough into the field to get a shot off, it worked like a charm, none of them ever intended to land but were so curious they had to come and have a look, flying over into the wind at about 60 feet up they were easy targets and I took 13 pigeons and one rook in just 3 hours for only 21 cartridges, picked up 11 and the rook, but lost two pigeons somewhere in a wheat field. but still went home very satisfied.



Edited by lakeside1000
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No, but it was probably clover or something similar, they are just feeding in the gardens and tree tops, maybe some tree buds, but it isn't anything on the farm that's for sure, I'm off up there again on Thursday, I spotted several using a small copse on the corner of the field to rest in, so i'm taking my air arms s400 and see if I can quietly pick a few off, should be worth a try. :lol:

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