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I rang me mate whose scaffold I shoot of to see if he's in. Turns out he's in Dublin getting ****** on Guinness anyway told me to go over to the house if I wanted to and if I saw anyone there shoot the ******* as the place was empty.

Being the sort of person I am I asked Photopro if he would like to come he declined as he had not seen Mrs Photopro all day and thought she might have something lined up for them to do.....(No comment from you Markbivvy but anyone else is allowed )


Anyhow went over to my mates got there just before 7pm by 7.15pm I had shot this and gone and collected it.




Spotted it on the other side of the hedge and I just stood on the scaffold with the lamp dimmed down and watched it for about 5 minutes as it came through the hedge and started sniffing about I gave a whistle and it turned to look " BANG “ it didn’t even know what hit it. It had just passed a tree that I had checked before with the range finder so approx distance 170 yds.


Pro you missed out i was back home just before 8pm


Forgot to add it was a vixen


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Thanks lads have got to make the most of it as the garage will soon be finished and then the scaffold will be coming down and i will be knackered.


Mind you he did say he would build a tower to shoot from so will have to remind him about that when the scaffolds gone :lol::lol:


Oh definately, if my girlfriend wants to see me... she can wait until i find out whether or not im shooting or not that night!!! and even if she does wanna see me she knows that shooting and protecting my birds come first in my eyes.


Cant waste good opportunities!!


:good: How i have a girlfriend i dont know!



Must be something about you FB,

but you are right let them know your sport comes first.......

better still let me know when you are out and ill pop round and see her for you.. :no::|:lol::good:


PS only joking :good::lol:;):lol::good:

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